Monday, December 7, 2009

Weekly News Blog, December 7th

This week, 56 papers in 46 countries across the world published a joint editorial about climate change. Usually, papers publish their own thoughts and opinions on the editorial page, but this week, they decided to come together and publish the same message: we must help defeat climate change before it defeats us.

Please take a look at the article below, and answer the following questions:
1) Why would all the papers unite and publish a common editorial?
2) Who or what si the intended AUDIENCE for their message?
3) What is their argument?
4) Can you find one newspaper that has published the editoiral? Search around the internet and find out...


  1. All the papers united and published a common editorial mainly because they are concerned with the future of our planet and the people that live in it. Their main goal is to spread the word of taking action towards climate change. That being said the audience is clearly everyone on planet Earth. But mainly the people and factories that contribute to altering the planet's temperature. I agree witht the statement, "This should not be a fight between the rich world and the poor world, or between east and west. Climate change affects everyone, and must be solved by everyone." This goal could be easily accomplished as long as we come together and focus on having a better future.

  2. “56 Papers in 45 Countries Publish Joint Editorial On Climate Change: A 'Profound Emergency'” is the title given to the article posted in the Huffington Post Newspaper. In this article is explained the reason why 45 countries around the world have become together, and it is because they are trying to become with a solution about the environment we are having now. But 56 newspapers decided to become together and write the same editorial. “We do so because humanity faces a profound emergency.” The newspapers explained. They did it to promote change. The intended audience for this article is everyone around the world because this matters to everyone. But mostly to those who read news and are in the public speaking. The argument is that something should be done to stop the destruction of our planet, not counting race, gender ect. “Climate change affects everyone, and must be solved by everyone.” One newspaper that came together with putting the same editorial was “The New Times”

  3. I think that the reason why all the papers united to publish this article was that they had one cause that affects not only them but everyone. Like they say, “It is in that spirit that 56 newspapers from around the world have united behind this editorial. If we, with such different national and political perspectives, can agree on what must be done then surely our leaders can too.” They all want to let their leaders to know that something must be done to save our planet. The intended audience for this editorial is everyone. Basically, everyone who lives in the world. Their main argument is that all the nations have to do their part in helping and compromising in order to help stop and better deal with global warming. One newspaper that published this editorial was the UK’s Times Online.

  4. Global Warming is an issue that is happening worldwide and affects everybody. As human being we must all take the blame fort this dilemma and not point fingers at one another. Because people are pollution this world, it has come to a point where all the toxics in the air have affected out planet leading to a warming of our planet. In addition, I believe that all the papers united to create a common editorial because every country has to inform their citizens about the problem that we have at this moment. The intended audience is of course the citizens of the country and the government. They are arguing that every country should unite as one in order to reduce global warming.

  5. The reason that all newspaper published same issue in 45 countries is because we are facing danger that could wipe out half of the species and million of human, which was the problem of global warming, cause the ice in north and south pole to melt, they're informing citizens, and government the risk that we can't afford to "replay". Now the countries the countries had gather in U.N to find the solution for the event, the news was everywhere in the internet.

  6. The reason why all these newspapers around the country reunite and sit down and write about the same topic is because they felt like they needed it to come together and write something about and give a message to the community. Their intended audience is everybody who cares about the world we live in. their argument is that climate change affects everybody and we all must play a role in order to solve it. “Many of us, particularly in the developed world, will have to change our lifestyles. The era of flights that cost less than the taxi ride to the airport is drawing to a close. We will have to shop, eat and travel more intelligently. We will have to pay more for our energy, and use less of it.” This means that we can help the climate to become better by just doing the right decisions. The UK’s Times online also published this article about climate change.

  7. Global Warming is an issue to the worldwide and it affects everybody. people just need to put part of there time and help keep the global warming find so people can stop fighting......

  8. The way they know is that people was having a tough time to be the most top president because it takes a while to check the different locations. People thinks that each countries are real. The article is where they takes place throughout the whole would.

  9. Newspapers around the world have joined to publish a common editorial because they want to express the important role humans have to decrease Global Warming and the effects due to not getting involved.The intended audience for the article, 56 “Papers In 45 Countries Publish Joint Editorial On Climate Change: A 'Profound Emergency'” by The Huffington Post is all citizens of the United Sates and even people around the world. The article wanted to express why it is important for all mankind to join in the fight against Global Warming. If we don’t put our part the effect of the problem will be developing countries will be paying the price first. The Star in Canada has published the Copenhagen editorial. The links is

  10. At this time we get a significant trouble in the world the global warming, that is the reason why all the papers joined and publish an analogous editorial. Our planet is suffering the consequences of the pollution emitted from every prosperous and deprived country. The temperature have been increased during the recently years for the result that the greenhouse been increased in our atmosphere. Well this message is to each person and country’s leader to take action and think about the consequences that it can cause in our environment, fauna, and flora. Consequently we need to change our thought about wasting energy, carbon dioxide generated from our cars, etc. Every paper joined for this issue as with his article “Global Warming: On Hold?”

  11. The reason 56 newspapers in 45 countries united together to publish the editorial On Climate Change: A “Profound Emergency” is because they are extremely concerned with the fact that Global Warming is becoming a serious threat for our world, and through this publishing they saw the opportunity to take their concerns to their countries as one voice hoping to be heard and taken to consideration. The intended audience for this message is in general every single human being on earth specially those developing countries like china for example. Their argument is that the rich world keeps producing and accumulating carbon but is not taking steeper actions to reduce it. One newspaper that published this editorial was The Miami Herald.

  12. 56 papers in 46 countries across the world published a joint editorial about climate change is about 46 countries investigate to climate change, all the papers unite and publish a common editorial is protect to our enviroment, decrease to atmospheric polution and decrease to global emissions, The intended audience for this message is every single person, the argument is how many greenhouse gas we can emit out, because this is very big plan, if this plan failure, the wolrd a deficit of $50 million for year, one newspaper that has published the editoiral is Google news and washington post.

  13. The reason for the unity of these countries in this editorial was to not “point the finger”, but to state that there is a global issue at hand, and if we have any chance of preventing further damage we have to work together. The intended audience I think was the 192 countries called to action, as well as everyone in general since global warming effects us as a whole. Their argument is that if a treaty is established to enable everyone to do their part in stopping climate change, we can basically save the world. Newspaper: the Guardian.

  14. In the paper Monday, many noticed that the front page might feature an editorial. This was due to 45 countries coming together to tackle a common opponent witch is Global Warming. They want they want more and more people around the world to become aware of the issue that’s at hand. The intended audience would be all the countries that were called to action during the meeting they had at Copenhagen. But not limited to everyone else because it is a global issue and affects everybody. What they are trying to do is to come up with a solution as a whole meaning all the countries to contribute a solution. The Guardian devoted its entire front page to the editorial.

  15. I would say that the reason why the 56 papers united and published the same article is to so that the the same thing would be told to everyone around the world becasuse what many people do is they change like a couple of words and that changes the whole meaning that the people give to the topic. For instance, this is a on going problem that has been going on for years and still doesn't have a solution. If one of the papers had a different statement about it, it wouldnt't go the same for that country. This is because the diction used would change the whole meaning for it. Since global warming affects everyone, everyone should worry about it and try to do something in order to better the sitaution. We all on this palnet that we pollute and don't care about which is wrong because we're basically making it a horrible place to live. Meaning that this article goes to everyone on this planet. The argument being that we should all come together and do something fro this wonderful place that we live in and stop blaming others for what is happening becuase in this situation everyone is to blame....

  16. This conference has been in the making for a very long time, and for so many newsletters to pop up like this is not a surprise that this is about a serious issue that involves the everyone. Global warming has been discussed for a long time and for everyone to know that this is a problem 46 countries had to unite to announce this issue to show everyone and other countries that global warming can be overcome if they work together. A very familiar website such as CNN can be another source on which I know has an editorial about this conference and should have cover more information.

  17. I agree with what Vanessa has said. I believe that this issues done not only affect us in the United States but in the entire world. We can do little things to change this very big problem. Like there are thousands of animals that are dying because of the climate change. And also there are animals dying because of air pollution. And to me there seems like nothing is really being. Not a lot of people care about this issue. Yes things are going well now. But for the generation after us that might not be the case. It might be too late to do anything. It will kind of be like the movie 2012. And to me that will be the saddest thing ever. We have to take actions to prevent that form happening.

  18. All 56 papers came together to publish the same editorials is so that the cause can be heard world wide. They have a strong belive in this topic and they felt that everyone should be aware of this topic. People understand the same situation in different ways because of how it is told in their countries, but they thought that if its told the same around the world it can be strongly payed attention to. Mainly because this is a problems that has yet to have a solution. Global warming affects the whole world so this artticle was meant for everyone. Whether you are 1o, 11, 12 years it doent matter everyone should be aware of this problem so something can be done about it. The argument on this article is that they want everyone to unite and fix this problem. They stress about how this planet is ours and we should keep it functioning so we should do everything in our power to end global warming.
    A newspaper that has published this same editorial is the New York times paper.

  19. 1)Why would all the papers unite and publish a common editorial?
    The same editorial was published because of the message it sends. The message was powerful and true, and in order to keep the power of the message it was changed. Also, maybe, the seriousness level of the message was so extreme, the newspaper work team wanted to keep as it was.

    2)Who or what si the intended AUDIENCE for their message?
    The whole entire world was the audience and especially country leaders.

    3)What is their argument?
    Regardless of rich and poor or your part of the world, the climate issue we face is serious and we need to become aware and we need to take action to stopping it.

    4)Can you find one newspaper that has published the editoiral?
    “Uganda: World Newspapers Unite on Climate Change” Africa

  20. All the papers would unite together because they as writers and people care about the world and how, we the people are taking care of it. The intended audience of the article is the people who read the newspaper but, most importantly the people of the world who need the motivation to do something that would benefit the world. Their argument that they are trying to make and if we, the people of the world don’t start to anything then the world as we know is will change and probably will never recover from the after effects. And I believe that that will happen when people are too stuck on themselves and don’t pay attention to the world around them. Also with how the economy is in the United States people are more likely to care a little bit less than the rest of the world.

  21. In this article, the reason that all these news papers published this climate epidemic is because this climate issue is a WORLDWIDE issue. It is not a upper class-low class seperation, but affects all because of the chain affects caused by ALL countries that produce waste since the evolution of chemically-engineered bombs. The speakers of these papers are normal citizens, bt more specifically, environmentalists of all these countries. They are arguing that ALL of the head ambassadors of the United Nations need to negotiate steps to better the environment, especially with COPENHAGEN, which was ranked as the MOST environmentally firendly city in the world by Monocle Magazine in 2008. The audience, and the people that are targeted are the 192 Ambassadors of the UN.

  22. For the past few months the country has seen ongoing debates about national issues such as health care and immigration reform; they’ve also seen many debates about foreign issues such as the war on terror. While these topics mainly affect the US population, another concern of interest on Mr. Obama’s list is how to work with other countries on putting an end to climate change. On Monday, 56 newspapers in 45 countries came together to write and publish a common editorial on climate change. Newspapers such as The Miami Harold published this editorial to bring awareness to a topic that not only affects a few countries but the entire world. The editorial shares its concern with the entire world that “Unless we combine to take decisive action, climate change will ravage our planet, and with it our prosperity and security.” This is important because everyone must work together to limit the emission of green house gases that affect the environment and the health of the people. Even though the editorial was published by newspapers outside of the US except for one it is important that we become aware of the issues and come up with a common solution that will help everyone in the long run.

  23. All newspapers published the same article because they want to inform all nations of the serious problem that is "climate change" they want us to take action in this issue that is going to affect humans and other living things in earth.The audience are activists,all over the world that are concern about climate change. Also is a call for everyone that doesn't care about the planet to stand up and do something. The argument is that if we don't do something for our planet soon we are going to suffer the consequences of our actions.if we do something now we can slow down what is happennig or even stop it. (El Salvador)

  24. The reason why all 56 papers in 46 countries across the world published a joint editorial about climate change is because global warming is getting worse each day even more, and People who published this article want us the audience to read it and see that it's a joke and that we need to stop contributing that our planet get hoter. As it say"11 of the past 14 years have been the warmest on record, the Arctic ice-cap is melting"This shows that if our planet is getting hot is because of too many factories are use and it contaminate the air. The argument in this article is that if we don't do nothing to stop global warming we are going to be the ones who will suffer the consequenses so that's why people wrote this article so that people take this seriously and start working together to stop global warming because "this is something that have to be fight between the rich world and the poor world, because climate change affects everyone, and must be solved by everyone".

  25. in the article "56 papers in 45 countries publish joint Editorial on climate change: A profound emergency" all the papers unite and publish a common editorial because people are worried about climate change in our plant and they scare of that it might take over on us. also people all over the world fairs global warming because that might increase the climate change in our world. additionally,the audience of the article is the people of who live all over the world. the argument they try to make is that how "Social justice demands that the industrialised world digs deep into its pockets and pledges cash to help poorer countries adapt to climate change, and clean technologies to enable them to grow economically without growing their emissions." which it shows that the poor country dont know how to use their resources but country like china and united state try to help those and change the climate and start working as once to protect the world from climate change.

  26. The purpose for all the papers united together and published a common editorial is to increase people's attention and awareness on global warming and the necessary to "combine to take decisive action." The intended audience is all people over the world. The argument is all countries(or people) should do their part to reduce the emission of Carbon Dioxide in order to prevent the condition from being worsened. A newspaper published this editorial is "News Junkie Post".

  27. I believe that the motive of all the papers unified to publish this article was that they had a cause that affected not only themselves, but everyone. Like they say, “It is in that spirit that 56 newspapers from around the world have united behind this editorial. If we, with such different national and political perspectives, can agree on what must be done then surely our leaders can too.” They all wish for their leaders to comprehend the simple fact that something must be done to save our planet. The intended audience for this editorial is every human being on this planet. Their main argument is that every nation must contribute to saving our planet and find compromises in order to prevent the disastrous effects of global warming. One newspaper that published this editorial was the UK’s Times Online.

  28. The growing concern behind the climate change that been witness around the world is what causes everyone to come together. As this growing issue becomes more of a problem each time, it was inevitable for many other countries to come together and help find a way to stop the climate change. The intended audience is mostly everyone living on Earth. As broad as it may sound, this issue will affect everyone. The purpose of releasing this joint editorial is to show everyone who is human that there needs to be some kind of change soon.

  29. The reason that all the papers unite and publish a common editorial is to warn and let people know the importance of the climate and to get together to help make a better change.
    The intended audience for this message is everyone in the world who is concerned about global warming and are interested to help.
    The argument is that they should help the invieronment to stop the climate change for no animal would die or have any change. A news paper that published this editorial was

  30. The world is going to end.If you didn't know that before; Where have you been? These 56 counries have finally realized that global warming is a huge issue, and are know uniting to do something about it.This artical is not only directed to the people of this planet, but to the goverments that lead them.The newsparers are aurging political leaders to make a decision on how they are going to handel this epidemic.They are presuading them to put aside their differences and stop pointing fingers.some of the newspapers that published this article were: the guardian.the citizen, ple temps, le monde, the irish times, El pais, delo, la Repubblica, der standard, and many many more.

  31. This editorial is to mainly raise the awareness of global warming and the fight against it. For this editorial writers from around the world decided to put their words at once to get across one common point to try to save our planet earth. The need of all this editors for one op-ed is that they all want to unite to make their message stronger and diverse so everyone could be aware of the danger of global warning and how it affect everyone.. not only America or Europe or Asia but the whole world from east to west. This editorial is most likely aimed to audience like everyday readers who can be active in the movement and try to demand some changes from their government or country leaders. The argument is how it don't matter who did the most damage or who has try to help the most to stop pointing fingers and just get together and help for our world. One of the biggest and harder opposes of trying to help is the U.S AND China. For they are the biggest producers and their country would be harshly affected if try to slow down or stop its production. Some of the sister newspaper that publish this article were, UK'S Guardian, Canada's Toronto Star, Mexico's El Universal, China's Economic Observer. To name only a few.

  32. The author's purpose for this article is to inform people abotu the severity of global warming. As new statiscial information becomes available it is wise that wwe as earth citizens make attmepts to control our ownb actions so that we may prevent futre detriment. THe audience fo this article is all people. As golbal warming conitues and earth';s temperature rises it is more likely that we will begin to notice some of the effects. The reason so many newspapers are covering the issue is so that they can educzte the genreal public and hopefully get them invovled in being active in the world, while expanding our countriy's relations.

  33. I really agree with the world leaders coming together to work to svae our country as a whole.While these topics mainly affect the US population, another concern of interest on Mr. Obama’s list is how to work with other countries on putting an end to climate change. On Monday, 56 newspapers in 45 countries came together to write and publish a common editorial on climate change. The global warming probloem is a big deal. This problem can determine that fate of mankind's future.

  34. The purpose of the papers uniting and being published as a common editorail is to call world leaders to halt climate change. The audiance for this editorial is not only for world leaders but for the whole world to get the message and start changing in everyway possible. As it is mentioned, 56 papers were written on this matter from all over the world and only two were published by the US. How ever The Miami Herald was the only English version that was published by the US to run the editorial. Thier major argumet is to worry about climate change right now and for everyone to be responsible and promise one another to decrease thier pollutants. Overall, tehy are trying to warn everyone about Global Warming, and wants us to step up and do somethign about it before its too late. Climate change is killing our planet slowly and we won't know about it until it starts to affect us directly.

  35. In this artical they talk about how this global worming is a big issue. why we must ask is because as you can see in the news we have witness self distruction in the pooress country in the world and we have to realize that many poeple have to take action on what is going on I think that they are posting up this articals for a reason sientece probly have found some thing that might happen in the future.

  36. so what is going on right now is that the country is going through a lot. The main reason of why 46 countries have join together is to stop this climate catasthrophe. The intended audience is all the individuals living in the planet earth. This article was mainly published to warn us of the darnger behind global warming and how fast we should take action and change this matter.
    In the end we will die if we don't start taking action as soon as possible.

  37. The 56 papers were published as the same article in order for everyone in the world to be informed of real consequential issues. If all the people in the world knew what was going on, as a whole world they can make a big change. For instance, this is an issue that has been going on for years and still doesn't have a solution. Honestly, there are many writers better than others. So, therefore if everyone comes together and join to write the same article in different languages, it would be easier for the same information. This is because the diction used would change the whole meaning for it. Since global warming affects everyone, everyone should worry about it and try to do something in order to make our world better. Everyone pollutes and is not taken any action, and then in the end is when people will begin to worry, when it’s already too late. The argument being presented is that we should all come together and do something for our world. If we want to continue on having a future, we should be more concerned about the place we live in.

  38. I believe all the papers united and published a common editorial to make their point of climate change stand out. Climate change is a big issue that concerns everyone one, and the publishers may be on a mission to impact the people. This message is intended for everyone because we all live on this earth and we have to put our parts to have a good climate. Also to the companies who have factories whom are polluting the earth. The article of the 56 papers says, "This should not be a fight between the rich world and the poor world, or between east and west. Climate change affects everyone, and must be solved by everyone." This is exactly true! The problem will not be solved if we don’t come together and make a CHANGE. A newspaper that published this article is the Guardian.

  39. when something happens and it need to be take care is necesarity to find a way to let let people know what is happening. the united publish a common editorial becuase they want to inforn as many people they can. this will help to encourage people and cooperate with the world warning. the audience of this is all the people around the. in many other country there is no control or people don't take of the earth. the argument of this that every one need to help to decrease the world warning.

  40. All the papers united and published a common editorial mainly because they are concerned with the future of our planet and want people to be more aware of are planet.The intended audience for this editorial is everyone.the main argument is that all the nations have to do their part in helping stop global warming .the new yorktimes

  41. This article is about how people from 46 nations, or their articles, got together and proving an issue that is not helping in this time. The issue is Global warming. What they want to do is get out to the audience, which is the people on earth, and try to get them to help out. "decisive action, climate change will ravage our planet" is what they think will happen and thats the reason why they want the people to do something.

  42. Global Warming is an issue that is happening worldwide and affects everybody. As the people we must take the blame on this dilemma. All 56 papers came together to publish the same editorials is so that the cause can be heard around the world. they believe that by posting this paper, that they are going to achieve they goal. Global warming affects the whole world so this artticle was meant for everyone. Because people believe that we have come to a point where all our trash and stuff should be place somewhere not on the street, because it started afeccting the global warning. This is something that is affecting the world so i believe that every country should take the time and see how are they going to work on it.
