Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Weekly News Blog November 18

"Gay marriages should be allowed because the U.S. Constitution does not discriminate against individuals based ont heir sexuality."

This is a controversial statement. It is big news right now. It is an issue, a discussion...and more importantly, an argument. Please read the following update on gay marriage legislation here in DC, and answer the following question:

Who is making a proposal in this debate?
(Please frame the rhetorical triangle to dicuss the proposal, or say who the speaker is, the audience, the thesis/topic, the occasion, and the purpose.


  1. The speaker is gay people because they want to have the rights to marry the same-sex. The audience is the District of Columbia and the law makers. The topic of this article is that gay people wanted to many the same-sex. the occasion is that they wanted to the rights to marry anybody they want to. The purpose of this article is that they want the rights.

  2. The speaker is gay people,Council member David A. Catania and D.C. Council becuase they plans to vote on a bill to legalize same-sex marriage. The audience is the District of Columbia,the voters except not including D.C, and the board. The topic of this article is that many gay peolpe wanted the same-sex marraige to be legal.the occasion is that they want the rights to marry anybody that they feel happy being 2gether with.the purpose of the article is to inform peolpe that they want the rights to be roconized for the same-sex marriages.

  3. The D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics is the speaker who is making a proposal in allowing gay marriage. The audience inclued the residents of the District of Columbia.”The board decision, which will probably be challenged in court, means the D.C. Council can move forward with its plans to vote on a bill next month to legalize same-sex marriage.” The quote reveals the thesis of the speaker and the topic of legalizing gay marriage. In all, the propose of article was to inform the status of approving and not discriminating gay marriage in the District.

  4. The D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics is making a proposal to protect the recognition of same sex marriage in DC. They are arguing that the constitution does not discriminate against sexuality. The audience is DC residents. The occasion is the voting to legalize same sex marriage in DC.

  5. The D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics is the speaker of the article or proposal.The audience in this case are gay, lesbians, and evryone else in the DC, that is in favor or against marriage between two people from the same sex. the thesis and the topic of this article is "defining marriage as between a man and a woman cannot go forward, reaffirming an earlier ruling that such a vote would be discriminatory".The occasion to vote to let gay people marry or not. The church is not agree with gay marriage so they trying to avoid it.

  6. The speaker is Tim Craig of the washington post. the audience is people in the district of columbia and anyone who know about gay fights.The topic of this article is that many gay peolpe wanted the same-sex marraige to be legal.the occasion the right to marry anyone the want.the purpose of this article is to let people know that gay people should be allowed to get married and should not be discriminated againist for it.

  7. Speaker-Tim Craig of the Washington Post

    Audience-Readers of the Washington Post

    Thesis-The proposed ballot initiative defining marriage...would be disciminatory.
    Topic-Legalization of Gay Marriage.

    Purpose-To inform the people of what's going on as far as the status of the situation.

  8. The speaker of the article "D.C. board turns away ballot initiative" is a person that work for the company The D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics who is writing a proposal to "hold a referendum to try to overturn the council bill recognizing same-sex marriage" in D.C. In this case the audience are all residents of D.C because its where this issue is taking place. "The board decision, which will probably be challenged in court, means the D.C. Council can move forward with its plans to vote on a bill next month to legalize same-sex marriage". This quote directly from the article reveals the opinion of the speaker that it would not be easy to foward this decision. The topic of this article is that all citizens should have equal rights and not descriminate for their sexuality preference.

  9. In the article "D.C. board turns away ballot initiative" the proposal/ thesis in the articel is "defining marriage as between a man and a woman cannot go forward, reaffirming an earlier that such a vote would be discriminatory." The speaker of the articel is the author named Tim Craig. The audience is everyone, the public. The occasion will take place on December 1st. In order to make the decision. The purpose is so that "the D.C Council can move forward with its paln to vote on a bill next month to legalize same-sex marriage."

  10. The D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics is the speaker who is making a proposal in allowing gay marriage. The audience are homosexuals living within the DC metropolitan area. The purpose is to inform people about the status about gay marriages. I think that there should be gay marriages. People should be able to live happily any way they want.

  11. The proposal is being offered by the D.C. Board of Education. The proposal is stating that gay sex marriage be allowed. The audience that this proposal is going for is the community of Columbia Heights. He wants the community to see how it shouldn’t matter how you want love to be decided, things like same sex marriage just happen. It says, “The board cited the city Human Rights Act, which bans discrimination against gay men and lesbians. The board decision, which will probably be challenged in court, means the D.C. Council can move forward with its plans to vote on a bill next month to legalize same-sex marriage.” This states that they are going to ban discrimination against same sex marriage because no one should be judged against their way of life. Gay’s are considered human’s to just different, and aren’t we all? This quote highlights the author’s claim to legalize same sex marriage. With all this being said, it’s clear to see that the purpose of this article is to let everyone be aware that same sex marriage is going to be legalized despite the negativity of most!

  12. The DC Borad of Education is proposing a idea of leting same sex marriage be okay here in the Distric. And there are a lot of ideas of how people feel about it. Some consider it as a good. And that they should be allowed to get married. Also that they should stop being discrimated. On the other hand others feel like that is a wrong thing and that it shouldn't be allowed. This article was writen for all of us. Gays, liebean and bisexuals, and strigh people. We all have our own oppinion on this topic.

  13. The DC board is the speaker who is making a proposal in accepting gay marriage. The audience is the homisexuals that live in DC area. The main point of this to let people know that there should be gay marriage because so they can feel happy and not judged by others. It also hard for some people to accept the gay marriage legalization because the audience or other people and the church they think that marrage should be between man and women. The DC council tried to avoid it but people fight for their rights and said that gay marriage should be allow in DC. Based on that all citizens should have equal rights and should not be discriminated or judged by their sexuality performance.

  14. The proposal is from the D.C. Board of Education. It states that gay sex marriage should be allowed. This is being directed to the Columbia Heights' community. They want the people to know that it doesn't matter who you choose to be your love one. It doesn't matter what is its the same sex or opposite. In the article, it says, “The board cited the city Human Rights Act, which bans discrimination against gay men and lesbians. The board decision, which will probably be challenged in court, means the D.C. Council can move forward with its plans to vote on a bill next month to legalize same-sex marriage.” Through this they are going to ban discrimination against same sex marriage because you choose how you want to live life. No one should make decision for you and if you feel comfortable in the decision that you've made, go for it. in conclusion it’s clear that the purpose of this article is to let everyone be aware that same sex marriage will be legalized despite the negativity of others.
    I am absolutely for this, because no one not even the government should tell anyone how to live their lives. If you fall in love with a person of the opposite sex, then be who you are and live your life together, and happy!
    It really shouldn't matter what others says, because if that who you are, that's you, if it's really coming from the heart.

  15. the topic in this article is whether gay marriage should be accepted or not. In this debate the bigger community is making a proposal. The thesis statement is, "defining marriage as between a man and a woman cannot go forward." explains Tim Craig in the article, "D.C. board turns away ballot initiative" The speaker is a preson against gay marriage who believes that gay marriage should be legalized because everyone deserves to live their life the way they want to. Also, the speaker is a person interested in this issue.I personally, agree with what this speaker is saying because it is true, No one should tell anyone how to live life. The audience is students, teachers, DC residents etc. Finally, the purpose of this article is to inform people of what is happening in our community and what they're putting in the table.

  16. The proposal or thesis in the article “D.C. board turns away ballot initiative” is “initiative defining marriage as between a man and a woman cannot go forward, reaffirming an earlier ruling that such a vote would be discriminatory”, basically the author talk about the new rights where the District of Columbia will be legalize the same sex marriage. The speaker is a columnist of the Washington post, the audience is the resident of District of Columbia, the magazine readers etc, and the purpose of the article is to inform residents of DC about what’s go on in his community as the new rights etc.

  17. The topic of gay marriage is where the people was born in DC. "I think that the article is really important", also the American people knows about the news paper because they had to find the better person who was not gay. This story tells about the different lives and the future.

  18. In debate on gay marriage, most stete had opposed it. In DC majority of citizens didnt apporve it. Tim Craig Washington Post Staff Writer he inform us the issues between gay marriage occuring in district area. The writer personally interested and support the gay maariage, I also agreed with it, because no matter what ethnic and sex you are, as part of human they still deserve the same right as other. Especially in america, one of the most important foundation element in america was freedom, then why same-sex marriage should be forbidden?

  19. The article entitled “D.C. board turns away ballot initiative, Man-woman marriage definition seen as discriminatory” states the debate that exists between homosexual couples and the community of whether gay marriage should or shouldn’t be allowed. There are many people who oppose to the legalization of gay marriage however I think that gay marriage should be allow because they have the same rights in the constitution as any other couple form by a female and a male. The author is The D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics is making. The audience is the D.C residents. The purpose is to propose a new law that benefits homosexual couples.

  20. The speaker is gay people,Council member David A. Catania and D.C. Council who are trying to pass a bill to legalize gay marriage.Residents of the District of Columbia are the audience in this article.The occasion will take place on December 1st. which is when the supreme court will rule to legalize gay marriage or not.Then the purpose would be to let gay and lesbian to get married in the district of columbia. To provide them with equal rights as anyone else.
    "some gay couples in the District are already legally married." Catania said in a its like their already recognizing gay marriages so might as well allow for them to also get married.I cant wait until Dec.1 to see what they decide to do.

  21. The people who stand with the D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics are the speaker in this case and the audience that they are addressing is the D.C. council. The D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics want the D.C. Council to perceive that marriage is only between a man and a women is unconstitutional. While mentioning its unconstitutional the board also annex that it's as well discrimination based on the Human Right Act. The significance behind the Boards recognition of the ways homosexuals are having there rights violated are due to the upcoming vote on a bill. The D.C. Council will be voting on whether or not to allow gay marriages in the D.C.

  22. The DC Board of Election and Ethnic is making a proposal in this debate on legalize the same-sex marriage. The speaker is Tim Craig, a Washington Post staff writer. The intent audience is all DC residents and those who concern about this issue. The thesis is "[D]efining marriage as between a man and a woman cannot go forward, reaffirming an earlier ruling that such a vote would be discriminatory." The purpose of this proposal might be to propose DC resident to vote for legalize the same-sex marriage in DC.

  23. The proposal in this article is all the people who want to approved this new law of same sex marriages. Althought, this topic seems to have no end it shows how the gay and lesbian community are standing up and choosing to now give up. The proposal of this article makes alot of sence because this will hopefully make some DC residents reconized this issue and try to come up with a solution

  24. In this statement, this article goes deeper than whether or not gay marriage is right, bur moreso if this debate is discriminitory or not, along with people's right to vote on it. If this is so(that its discriminiatory), that makes it an unconstitutional decision. The speaker(s) is/are gay (people), the argument is that EVERYONE should be allwoed ademocratic vote undiscriminated, the audience is Congressmen, the occasion is during a bill debate, and the purpose is to persuade legislators that this debate in itself is discriminatory.

  25. The speaker is gay people because they want to have everybody agreed same sex-marry, although same sex marry is legal marry, but have many peoples is disagreed, they feel it is very strangeness, the marry is happiness thing and his beloved person can live together and raise the next generation, the same sex marry break to principle and society balance, I think that there should not by guy people marry, because that marry is can not be long time, not people will agreed this marry.

  26. The proposal made by the D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics is to enable same sex marriages. What this means is that DC council will proceed "with its plans to vote on a bill next month to legalize same-sex marriage." The audience is not just gays in DC, but gay people from other parts of the world. I personally think that when people discriminate against homosexuals, it's pointless. Nothing anyone does will alter a persons fondness towards their same sex. So why do people bother changing it? I think it would only be right for gays to be allowed to marry whoever they want. The topic is basically to legalize gay marriage in DC. Even if it's not approved, that will certainly increase the pandemonium on this subject by a great deal.

  27. In The article entitled “D.C. board turns away ballot initiative,is abou Man bweeten woman marriage definition seen as discriminatory” because this situation was one the things that impacting a diference part of the world. Also Because the comunity dont acepte that the some genger should marriage. some city was acetpted and geving the right to this people. for example, the board decision, which will probably be challenged ini court, mean the D.C council can move on a bill next month to legalize same-sex marrige. almost 31 states rejected same-sex marrige. but DC code ststes that a public vote cannot be held on a matter that would lead to discrination against a minority group. Based in this argument can seen and analyze that not all the people would acetp or recognizing same-sex marrige thougth should legalize this marrigies our society never can seen this as something nornal in the comunity, becuase many think that is a bad influence for many young that can seen this type thing in the street or and another cites araund the world.

  28. The speakers in this article are a gay and lesbian community that want have right for same-sex marriages. Also the audience is the government and the people who work for government (DC council). the topic of this proposal argument is Gay marriages should be allowed in the U.S because Same-sex marriage is a same right as civil rights, political, social, moral, and/or religious in the nations. The same-sex relationships or same-sex marriage is often based upon what is regarded as a universal human rights issue, mental and physical health concerns, equality before the law, and the goal of normalizing relationships.

  29. The speaker in this article is the Dc Board of education and Ethics whose purpose is to support the bill which would allow gay marriage during next month debate. In concern to the Constitution of the United state and it's saying that no where in the constitution it says that marriage should not be allow, my view towards this critic is the same, there shouldn't be no harm among heterosexuals and bisexuals. Gay people are regular people and there shouldn't be any criticism about them at all. This society is corupt, is unlawful to see two males with each other but rightful to see to girl.

  30. In the article, "D.C. board turns away ballot initiative: Man-woman marriage definition seen as discriminatory" the author is Tim Craig, a
    Washington Post Staff Writer. The audience is in mostly DC residents. The topic is legalizing gay marriage and the thesis is in the article's title itself. For instance, "a proposed ballot initiative defining marriage as between a man and a woman cannot go forward, reaffirming an earlier ruling that such a vote would be discriminatory." The purpose is to inform the public of the issue of gay marriage going on.

    Marriage is Marriage whether between the the oppesite sex or the same sex. It should not be discriminated agaisnt. because everyone has the right to pick who they want to marry. The Constitution doesn't state that marriage must be between a man and a woman. Gay marriage should be allowed. No one, not even the government should make band gay relationships because they dont have the right to make others unhappy.

  31. The speaker of "D.C. board turns away ballot initiative" is The D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics and they are proposing to approve same sex marriage. The intended audience are homosexuals and the heterosexuals as well. in other words their intended audience is everybody who either apposes or is in favor of same-sex marriage. in my personal opinion i think that people should stop getting involved into other peoples personal business and stop criticizing them. this refers back to the articles main topic which is to legalize same sex marriage.

  32. The speaker is the community of gay people, Council member David A. Catania and the D.C. Council, they are organizing to vote on a bill which will legalize same-sex marriage. The audience is the people of District of Columbia, the voters except not including D.C, and the board. The article is focused on the fact that many of the gay community wish for same-sex marriage to be lawful. The event is that they feel that it's their god given constitutional rights to marry anybody they desire. The sole purpose is to inform people and educate them more about rights of the gay people, and for them to be recognized as an equal part of the society, that same-sex marriages should be legalized.

  33. In my opinion the speaker of this topic is "The D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics" and it talks about weather gay marriage should allow in dc or not. even though the dc government believe that "the D.C. code states that a public vote cannot be held on a matter that would lead to discrimination against a minority group." the audience of this article is the public and the people all over the united state of america. In my opinion the purpose of this article is marriage between the same sex or opposite sex shouldn't discriminated by others because "the Human Rights Act in its decision to block a proposal to hold a referendum to try to overturn the council bill recognizing same-sex marriages in other states." and the main purpose of this article to the minority people rights.

  34. The speaker is gay people who want to have the right to be married to whoever they want. The audience of the article is the people who oppose gay marriage in the DC area. The thesis of the article is "the proposed ballot initiative defining marriage...would be discriminatory." The purpose of the article is to inform the public on the progression of gay marriage in Dc.

  35. From what i read in the article, the speaker of the paper is the DC board of election. And this was written to notfiy for those people who are planning to vote on gay marriage and for those who already voted. The baord notified that the people's vote can not be taken for the right of the minor(gay and thier supporters). In my opnion, i wouldn't mind seeing gay people getting married. Because its better to see two gay couples get married than two straight copules where they will only last for a year or less. And that's not the only reason, i think if gay people have the right to get married and live life like normal people, homeless kids can be adobted and get to live like a family with thier dads or moms. As a matter of fact, we are seeing that right now, and it is already happening. thousands of kids have been adobted by gay people. So i think people should consider this kind of reasons for allowing same sex marriage. On the other hand we live in America where every one have the right to do anything that has no harm for others. What is the harm in seeing two gay people getting married. And certainly, 50 years from now, we will see this situation as a stupid case. Like a cetury ago, white people were arguing if they should allow slavery or not. This same sex situation will be on the same status 50 years from now. It will be allowed, and we will look back and be ashamed of what we have done. meaning We will be sorry for not allwoing them becuase its their right, they are human, no different than you and me. So for people who are planning to vote, think twice before making a decision. There is no harm if any two people love one another.

  36. After reading this article i think that the people of the District of Colmubia don't want to have gay marriage but in other states their letting that happening. The thesis is that the DC board of election does not want gay marriage because they think that in this world their should not be gay or lesbein people. The speaker is The Board of Election. The audience is the people of DC. The purpose for this article is that some poeple do not want the same-sex get marry because they think that it's just not right for them to.

  37. Council member David A. Catania is making the proposal that same-sex marriages should be legalized in the district. He believes it is a violation of human rights and is thrilled that the D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics ruled that the definition of a marriage between as a man and a woman discriminatory. “’I am pleased that the board rejected this effort as an impermissible trespass on the human rights of District residents,’ Catania said in a statement.” This topic is important to the audience, DC residents because it is a step forward in recognizing an equality problem in the nation by recognizing the rights of gays and lesbians in the city. The argument that the article is making is based off Catania’s opinion that gay marriages should be legalized because it violates Human Rights Acts and the Constitution. The purpose is to inform DC Residents of the voting that will take place Dec. 1st among board members as whether the motion should be passed.

  38. From the article that I read is that the speaker of the paper is the DC board of election is manly targeting those who have voted on gay marriage. But I think that gay people should have the choice of being together with each other or not. I don’t have a problem with gay people being together and if I had the chance to vote I would vote that gay people should have the right to be together. I also agree on what Biniman because it is true on what he says that a lot of kids are getting adopted and many kids are starting to leave those orphanages and they would live in piece with a big happy family.

  39. This article talks about gay marriage and its stand in D.C. How it is affecting our community and the views and stands of residents of the district, the article talks about a proposal that seem to me came from the people that wanted to define marriage in dc a union of a man and a women that was turn down by city board because it is a violation of human rights act, they think its demeaning. The speaker of this issue could be the residents of dc that are against gay marriage and won’t have it allowed in dc. The audience is other residents and people to try to take their stand on the issue either with it or against it and support their group. On the other hand there is council member David A. Catania who is proposing to legalize same sex marriage in the district. The fact that denying same sex marriage it’s a violation of rights the district neither should put a standards and definitions on what marriage should be. They should just let them be because it is a free will country so anyone should be able to do as they please when they please, as long as they are not hurting anyone or threaten their existence.

  40. This is being directed to the Columbia Heights' community. They want the people to know that it doesn't matter who you choose to be your love one. It doesn't matter what is its the same sex or opposite. In the article, it says, “The board cited the city Human Rights Act, which bans discrimination against gay men and lesbians. The board decision, which will probably be challenged in court, means the D.C. Council can move forward with its plans to vote on a bill next month to legalize same-sex marriage.” Through this they are going to ban discrimination against same sex marriage because you choose how you want to live life.

  41. The people making the proposals are the DC Board of Election and Ethnic to legalize gay marriages. The speaker is Tim Craig a Washington Post staff writer. The audiences are for residents of Dc and who are concerned about this issue. The thesis is a “proposed ballot initiative defining marriage as between a man and a woman cannot go forward, reaffirming an earlier ruling that such a vote would be discriminatory." The purpose of this article is to inform people about the issue and what the Dc council is trying to do with the approval of gay marriages. I believe that the court should pass the law because by not passing the law it is violating the constitution by discriminating them. I believe if straight people should marry why cant gay marry.

  42. Gay marriage should be allowed. This proposal was made by the DC City council. THe speaker accpets gay marriages and values one's right to choose who they want to be married to. Not allowing gay people to married is a form od disrcimination.

  43. Council member David A. Catania is making the proposal that same-sex marriages should be legalized in the district. He believes it is a violation of human rights and is thrilled that the D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics ruled that the definition of a marriage between as a man and a woman discriminatory.The purpose is to inform DC Residents of the voting that will take place Dec. 1st among board members as whether the motion should be passed.

  44. The speaker of "D.C. board turns away ballot initiative" is The D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics and they are proposing to approve same sex marriage. Is ture that everyone has a right to do what ever they blees and i understand that some time you might have some type of feeling for a diffrent sex but they have to realize that in the eyes of god this is a sin he created a man with a women not man and man.

  45. The speakers of this article are guy people who are tying to gaing right to eapress their feeling in diffent ways. the audience of this article is who are against the same sex marriage. i know and i undestand that evryone has the right to decied how to be and act. "voters in 31 states have rejected same-sex marrige". evantually there are alot of people who are not agree with the idea that same sex married the porpose of this article is to let people know that guy have the some right like any other normal person. i think that the thesis stament can be the proposed initiative seeks to prohibit the distict from continuing to recognizi these same-sex marriages.

  46. This article is about same sex marriage privilages. David A. Catania is trying to let people know that same sex marriage is ok and no where does it say that it isnt allowed. The audience for this article would be the DC residents who will be voting on whether or not gay marriage is allowed. Its main purpose to allow homosexuals a right to what they want.

  47. For a couple of years now the US has had a debate about the gay community. Now that so many in teh gay community have come out about how they rather live their live some want to live permanately with a partner. Like many other people who live today get married they figure why cant they. The article speaks to everone. Whether yoru in teh gay community or not as a living human you are being affected by teh descision, because it is another law being added to our states. So, the argument on whetehr not people shoudl be able to marry the same sex will have to be treated like any other argumant when soemone is trying to express their rights. This just shows that their will always be someone on both sides arguing why soemthign should or shouldn't happen. Gay marrige is a very ricky topic because its personal, but at the same time has a big influence on our political life.

  48. The DC Board of elections and the ethnics are the ones who are making this proposal of protecting or to go forth gay marriage/same-sex here in the Distric of Columbia. They are arguing that other people should not have a problem or to oppose to gay marriage because they consider that as discrimination, which means that are being discriminated by how they are! The location is legalizing same sex/gay marriage. The audience are all of the people living in DC.
