This week in class we read a chapter of our text entitled "So What? Who Cares?", dicsussing how we address all audiences on topics that may or may not be of interest to them, and how we make an issue rise to importance. Oftentimes, you may make an argument to an audience that is saying to themselves, "why should I care about this?" This is a challenge of rhetoric, and writers use many tools to convince audiences that their topic and argument are valid.
Please read the following op-ed entitled "Global Weirding is Here" by Thomas Freidman. The topic is global climate change, and the debate over whether it exists or not. Some people think that this is a topic that has been overrated, and are asking "so what"?
Then, write a response in which you address the following concerning the article:
1) Who is the audience?
2) What is the topic?
3) What stategies does Friedman use to convince the audience that his topic is important?
(Hint: Appeals/rhetorical devices)
4) Are you personally interested in this topic? why or why not?
5) What information would a writer need to provide to convince a skeptical audience that this topic is important?
6) What do you think Friedman's purpose, or objective is?
7) In your opnion, does he do a good job addressing "so what" and "who cares" or would you do it differently?
The audience of article “Global Weirding Is Here” is anyone who is in doubt or is serious that global warming does not exist. Author, Thomas L. Friedman wants to emphasize that “global weirding” is occurring. Climate in many countries are changing like the fact that places are getting hotter, wetter, and colder. “…while it has rained at the Winter Olympics in Canada, while Australia is having a record 13-year drought — is right in line with what every major study on climate change predicts: The weather will get weird; some areas will get more precipitation than ever; others will become drier than ever.” Friedman reveals that global warming is “global weirding” because of the mass change in climate over many nations. Friedman used the rhetorical device parallelism to address his cause. “The hots are expected to get hotter, the wets wetter, the dries drier and the most violent storms more numerous.” With parallelism the author pushes the message that there is a global change in climate and it will get worse if people don’t understand the problem. My intake on the issue of global warming is that it does exist and is important to understand what it is. The author needs more facts and statistics to convince his audience who are skeptical because numbers talk and can change a mind set. Friedman has addressed the “so what” and “who cares” clearly because the audience knows he is trying to reveal that global climate changes exist and Americans need to be on the same page on the issue before it gets worse.
ReplyDeleteTomas L. Friedman has a lot to say on the global worming and how the united states is getting laugh at; he also explain how the countries are making fun of the U.S.A and how confuse they are. The author uses epistrophe to explain how the global worming is working he says “I prefer the term “global weirding,” because that is what actually happens as global temperatures rise and the climate changes. The weather gets weird. The hots are expected to get hotter, the wets wetter, the dries drier and the most violent storms more numerous. Meaning every thing will get worse by the years. This tropic is very interesting because it makes you think what mother nature is going to do next nobody can predicted what is going to happen next, if we as a civilization will live to see another day this are some concerns that we should worry about. His propose is make or convince the American people that it coming and that we should get prepare for what ever it lays ahead.
ReplyDeleteThe audience is thoes who care about the wether. And feel like that this is a very bad thing. And we sould take it very seriously. That it might not affect us but it could affect our children or even grandchildren. That many people take this as a joke and he wants everyone to open there eyes and do something about it. We all can do little things to help out the environment.Friedman uses a lot of stategies one of them is parallel structure, diction, emotional appeal.
ReplyDeleteI am very intrested in this topic because this is a very important issuse. And hardly anything is being done to change it. It's like people dont even care. I feel like Friedman's purpose is to bring awareness to this cause. In my own oppenion I do feel like he did a good job at making the reader care about what he had to say.
The audience more specifically are for scientists and geologists. In a more general sense, the genral audience consists of New Yor kcitizens and American citizens. The topic is about the long going debate about whether or not the Global Warming phenomenom is truly a problem. As far as devices, he utilizes satire (quote, when he says "“it is going to keep snowing until Al Gore cries ‘uncle,’ ” or news that the grandchildren of Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma are building an igloo next to the Capitol with a big sign that says “Al Gore’s New Home,” you really wonder if we can have a serious discussion about the climate-energy issue anymore," by humoring and appealing to a wider audience), and logical appeal (quote "in a world that is forecast to grow from 6.7 billion to 9.2 billion people between now and 2050, more and more of whom will live like Americans, demand for renewable energy and clean water is going to soar," by saying that global warming will be irrelevant cause the world's next global industry will be filtering natural resources and keeping them replenished).
ReplyDeletePersonally, i am interested i nit to an extent because when i plan to relocate to another country, i want to know what are the cliamte patterns and fluctuations before i move there. However, to make this more important me and to other people ,the writer would need to utilize visual evidence of global warming's geographical effects (as pictured above), and sighted info from NASA and other biological/geogrphical oriented organizations' and agencies in this matter.
As far as Friedman, i bleieve his objective is to expose how global warmign has become irrelevant on a professional level, and how he personally, doesn't find it relevbant from his experience and from ack of info from NASA, America’s national laboratories, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford, the California Institute of Technology, ETC. By utilizaing these references and techniques, i beleive he has done a good job appealing to a more common audience through use of humor, and appealing to scientisits, biologists, professors, EPA, etc. through research personally, and educational estimation of the future geographical Earth.
The Audience of the article, “Global Weirding Is Here” is everyone who wants to be more informed about what we can do to help stop global warming and anyone who does not believe it exists. The topic here at hand in Global Warming and Friedman wants to prove to his readers that it is here. For example he states, “The hots are expected to get hotter, the wets wetter, the dries drier and the most violent storms more numerous.” This is what you would call parallel structure. He uses this form of syntax or sentence structure to capture the readers mind and install into their minds that they think that just by not thinking about it global warming is going to go away but its not it will just keep on getting worse. He refers to this as global weirding because the climate is constantly changing in a ridiculous way that is unnatural with how the climate usually flows yearly, this is due he says to, “Avoiding the term ‘global warming’” “…while it has rained at the Winter Olympics in Canada, while Australia is having a record 13-year drought — is right in line with what every major study on climate change predicts: The weather will get weird; some areas will get more precipitation than ever; others will become drier than ever.” Freidman is trying to portray and give example of place that are suffering from this so that people can begin to look outside of the box and see the facts and statistics on this issue. Personally I do think global warming exists because during the supposed winter era there were days that felt like summer. This can as an odd situation to me because summer wasn’t for another couple of months. In order for a writer to convince his audience he would most importantly state facts that support his claim but most importantly include how all of his conclusion connect to the reader, what does the reader get out of this? Freidman’s objective was to give his personal thought on the global warming issue and call out Americans so that they can finally realized that global warming does exists and it is happening right now! I thought that he did an excellent job on answering the so what? And who cares? He answers the so what? When he talks about the climate changing and going out of its course and how about some parts of the world should be in a designed season but are in another. He answers who cares, when he mentions that this problem affects us all. Sooner or later the weather will just be hectic that we won’t be able to make a living.
ReplyDeleteThe audience that THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN is writing to is evryone in the community and anyone who reads its article.The topic of his article is about Global Warming and how it is effecting the world today. It is because of gases in the world and so many cahnges are going because of it. For example he says "it has snowed like crazy in Washington — while it has rained at the Winter Olympics in Canada, while Australia is having a record 13-year drought". This is his example of why its Global Weird and how its effecting parts of the world. In Vancouver its not suppose to be raining, it should be snowing, but instead it is snowing here in the D.c. area. Friedman also talks about how the people who really are caring about the situation that is going on are doing something about it."We will import less oil, invent and export more clean-tech products, send fewer dollars overseas to buy oil."For me it makes me want to try to do something about it. even though one person is not alot, but it only takes one person to make a difference in the world.Friedman uses real life problems to convey his point. which is that there are weird things happening with the climate, and that its because of Global Warming.I think that Friedmans purpose is to let people know that we should try to take this situation more serious.That if we dont do something soon that there are alot of climate issues to come.In my opinion he does and ok job. in the begining i didnt really get it. but towards the end when he went straight to what his main point was to the article. i was straight forward and understandable.
ReplyDeleteThe article "Global Weirding is Here" by Thomas Freidman, whose audience is people who believe that Global Warming is true. The topic that he conveys to the reader is that the world is changing so that is why he calls it “Global Weirding” instead of “Global Warming”. In the article he uses ethical, emotional, and logical appeal throughout the entire paper as well as asking rhetorical questioning to the reader. In my opinion even if Global Warming isn’t true I believe that precautions should be made in hopes of it never happening. I believe that Global Warming is a real factor in the changing weather in different places of the world. Information that would draw a reader into the article would be how he uses the appeals such as logical appeal. In the article logical appeal is one of the major uses because he uses it almost constantly. “Even if climate change proves less catastrophic than some fear, in a world that is forecast to grow from 6.7 billion to 9.2 billion people between now and 2050, more and more of whom will live like Americans, demand for renewable energy and clean water is going to soar. It is obviously going to be the next great global industry.” With this quote he is saying that, the demand for more cleaner uses of energy will make bigger money also this his counter-argument because it goes against his opinion. His objective in the article is that Global Warming is inevitable around the world. I believe that he did an excellent job in addressing the “so what” and the “who cares” because he explains two different opinions about people should do and how they should about it.
ReplyDeleteThomas L. Friedman is the author of global weirding and it also argue that the global weirding is effecting. The author uses epistrophe when he said the fact thea it has snowed like crazy in Washington while it has rained at the winter Olympics in Canada, while Australia is having a record 13 year drought. It shows that some areas the weather is different from other area which it means it will get worse by the year. When the temperature is increasing the climate changes. the purpose of this try to convience people what will happen in the next few day with the with climate change and the weather. I think this is important because now people know whats is going with weather or climate and they will start to prepare for what is coming in next few years. in my opinion he address good because the author actually said the issue and the main thing about the global weirding and how does effect in some areas.
ReplyDeleteIn the op-ed, "Global Weirding Is Here," by Thomas L. Friedman the intended audience are people who don't necessarily believe in global warming. It is to assure them that something is wrong in the climate change because of the weird weather happening around the world.
ReplyDeleteClimates in many parts of the world are getting hotter, colder, and wetter. Some people may think its not a result of the way we live, but soon enough they will be thinking that they should have been more greener about things. Friedman says, "The weather gets weird. The hots are expected to get hotter, the wets wetter, the dries drier and the most violent storms more numerous." He uses a form of syntax here which is parallel structure. This has an impact on the readers because they may start to think about the future climates and how harming it can be for the population. I am personally interested in the topic because I believe that people should treat the earth we live on as a paradise, a home. For a skeptical audience the author would have to provide some facts and can lean on some emotional appeal. Friedman's objective is to make people understand that the weather can become worse and will if we don't decide to anything about it. He did do a good job of answering the question, "so what," but he could do a better job by using more rhetoric.
The intended audience for the article “Global Weirding is here” is all American citizens that think that global warming do not exist, the topic of this article is global warming and how it seem confused to American citizens. The author is Thomas L. Friedman, the strategies he use is anaphora when he states “The hots are expected to get hotter, the wets wetter, the dries drier and the most violent storms more numerous”. Personally I am not interested on this topic because the way he writes and it seems that he sees global warming as a joke. I think that his Friedman’s purpose is to make fun of Americans about how we seem to be confused about the weather.
ReplyDeleteThe audience in this Op-ed is evryone in the world but specially those who don't believe in Global Warning. The topic of this OP-ED is that "Global Warning is here" The strategies that the author uses to convince his audience that his topic is important are repetirion of words, Syntax and Rhetorical appeals. I am personally interested in this topic because is going to affect the everyone sooner or later. A writer will need to provide a lot of real facts that are happenning now and never happened before. The author's purpose is to prove that the US is not doing much about climate change like other countries do. I think that he does a good job adressing "so what" and "who cares" but he could use more facts and more rhetorical devices.
ReplyDeleteGlobal warming topic isn’t new. Some people talk about how the weather changes day by day. Others talk about what we can do to make a change about it. Others just follow what others say and are not leaders and show that they don’t care about what is really happening today. Others just think that global warming isn’t that worse and sometimes they think that it is becoming good. That instead of getting worse it is fixing its self. Washington is having a particularly snowy winter it proves that climate change is a hoax.” Thomas L. Friedman explains in the Op-Ed, “Global Weirding Is Here” He says that Global warming is tricking us. Is making us think that everything is okay when it is not. The audience that this particular writer chose was the DC Population because we are the ones who received the around 30 or more inches of snow. The topic he is developing is global warming to which he refers as “global weirding.” In order to convince the audience of the topic been discussed, Friedman uses statistics to make the audience believe and care about it. “Even if climate change proves less catastrophic than some fear, in a world that is forecast to grow from 6.7 billion to 9.2 billion people between now and 2050, more and more of whom will live like Americans, demand for renewable energy and clean water is going to soar. It is obviously going to be the next great global industry.” He shows statistics to make it more believable. He also uses satire. “And Iran, Russia, Venezuela and the whole OPEC gang are high-fiving each other.” I believe he says this because he wants people to open their eyes and make them believe what he is saying because when people hear “Venezuela” they think of Chavez laughing. This writer really made me get interested and stick to his topic because he sounds that he knows what he is talking about also he makes believable his topic by statistics and satire strategies. Friedman’s objective is to make people care about global warming and not to forget to recycle…..etc. To make them do something for their world. From my perspective he does a good job addressing the who cares? So what?
ReplyDeleteThe article is “Global Weir-ding Is Here” by Thomas L. Friedman, the article is about global warming. The main factors Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas contents was increase for every-year, and the burning of fossil fuels, cut down trees and farming enhance the greenhouse effect. For now everybody was very attention to this problem, if the earth can’t decrease to global weir ding then earth will encounter more new problems. Thomas L. Friedman wants to emphasize that “global weir-ding” is occurring. Have many country’s climate is changed, There was a descent of temperature, many snowing, heat temperature, there was effect after global weir-ding. The audience that his topic is important, because all people should be attention about global weir-ding, protect to an environment, we should by descent of carbon dioxide, he was remind every body that earth is our home, we need keep, save and help it, because This we only home. I believer this is topic is very interested, because I am very like learned sciences’ knowledge, Let me know more about earth and global weir-ding. Mr. Friedman use many information to prove global weir-ding is big problem for earth. I think Friedman’s purpose is tell everybody have to descent of carbon dioxide and protect to an environment. In your opinion, he do a good job, I believer if everybody do a good job for together, I think we can solve a problem.
ReplyDeleteThe audience of the article of global weirding is here by Thomas L. Friedman is for those people at any place that really whom care. In several countries the weather is not the same as others, therefore there is hot, tropical, could. This means that the weather can change at any time. “The fact that it has snowed like crazy in Washington — while it has rained at the Winter Olympics in Canada, while Australia is having a record 13-year drought — is right in line with what every major study on climate change predicts” in this he really make a comparing of two places in wish one of the snow a lot and now is not snowing. In others countries the climate also is changing and is not because people are not doing nothing a bout it. Taking care of the world is really good because people from today or from the next generation are going to safer. Some people don’t even know what happening and don’t want to inform about it, I always see people on street tying to inform people in global warning and that how that are people who care. His purpose is to get more involve people in the issue, so together can do a lot about it, but is does not mean they will be able to control the weather. I think that the author did a good job to addressing “so what” who cares” because he gave examples that other countries do not care “ Indeed, I suspect China is quietly laughing at us right now” to at least control it every countries need look forward and realize in to do something I know that nobody will be able to change the weather but at least we can do something
ReplyDeleteI think that the global weirding is all about the people who know from the immigrant. Some of them has a perfect weather they saw because they were very lucky. It travels throughout the whole country. And also, the temperature is really strong. It goes at least twenty five degrees because it was so cold out there. I was having a perfect time to bundle up myself. It might take a long time to change a better luck. This is the way it goes from the resolution and their own justice.
ReplyDeleteThe speaker of the OP-ED is THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN, the author of "Global Weirding Is Here". The audience of this OP-ED is people both concern on global warming and those not. I think Friedman's purpose is try to persuade that global climate is getting weird, it's not a hoax. In order to convince his audience, Friedman uses many vectorial devices in his article, such as "The hots are expected to get hotter, the wets wetter, the dries drier and the most violent storms more numerous." and "The weather will get weird; some areas will get more precipitation than ever, others will become drier than ever.", which are parallel structure. Through author's emphasis on the result of being global weirding, the parallel structure gives a feeling of this issue is important, and gets people to think about this issue seriously. I am personally interested in this topic, because it's an issue that relates with my life. What the writer needs to provide to convince skeptical audience is more facts, data, or statistic on the global weirding, because logical appeal is a strong tool to persuade, but the author didn't provide much fact, all I saw was the snow in Washington, it might not be enough if the audience is skeptical on your topic. Overall, he do did a good job on addressing "so what" and "who cares".
ReplyDeleteThomas L. Friedman writer of “Global Weirding Is Here” has a strong mind set that Global Warming is just a hoax. The intended audience is all the citizens in the United States that are concerned about the issue being Global Warming. He uses epistrophe, when he says “The hots are expected to get hotter, the wets wetter, the dries drier.” This emphasizes that the climate will only get worse. HE also uses logical appeal, when he states that the world population will increase from “6.7 billion to 9.2 billion people between now and 2050.” Personally I am interested in the issue of Global Warming, because it is interesting to see all the countries sharing their ideas based on how to stop the pollution of the world. A good writer would have to have good solid evidence to shoe that the issue is of urgency. Friedman’s purpose was to show how some people take an issue and blow it out of proportion. Also how some people just are just confused about the subject and have no clue as to how to address the problem. As far as addressing the “so what” I think he does a fairly good job because he presented some facts. But to make his arguments stronger he could have included more evidence.
ReplyDeleteThe audience is everybody in general but specific scientists. The topic is focused on the debate about global warming acting on the environment. The devices he uses in his op-ed are logical appeal "in a world that is forecast to grow from 6.7 billion to 9.2 billion people between now and 2050… going to soar,” he also uses diction and tone. Of course I care about the global warming issues but it’s not my priority. I think this topic will be more interesting to people who want to become scientists or geologists. To improve his writing I think Friedman could had used like Nathan said pictures, and more examples of how is global warming affecting us and who is causing it. I think he did answered the “so what” question and he did support his argument with good evidence.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading the Op-Ed on "Global Weirding Is Here" it can be seen that the audience are all the Americans people who don't believe that Global warming is really affecting our planet because as Thomas Friedman say "China is quietly laughing at us right now. And Iran, Russia, Venezuela and the whole OPEC gang are high-fiving each other to see Americans becoming confused about climate change" This explain that even when Washington is having a particularly snowy winter it proves that climate change is a hoax because there are other countries that each day the weather is getting even more hotter. The topic that is being discuss in this article is about whether or not climate change exits. The author Friedman in order to persuade his audience that Global warming really exits and that we need to do something before it's too late use an example of emotional appeal, it say "The weather gets weird. The hots are expected to get hotter, the wets wetter, the dries drier and the most violent storms more numerous". Friedman by using this specific line as one of his rhetoric devices is able to make the people feel scary that if we continue contaminating our environment and act as if nothing is happening the consequences would be fatal because the climate is getting worse each day even more. I'm personally interested in this topic because it affect everyone in general and i think that we should take action to stop it getting worse before its too late. A writer in order to convince a skeptical audience that the the topic is important must use fact, statistics, emotional, and logical appeal. After i have read Friedman's Op_Ed i believe that his purpose on writing this article is to make people seen that global warming really exits and that we all together can stop it getting worse as its now. In my own opinion Thomas does a great jobs on addressing "so what" and "who cares" because he reveal the people that Global warming really exit and is getting worse but that we can stop it by taking action before its too late.
ReplyDeleteThe intended audience for this article can really be anyone. There isn't a specific audience aimed for in this article because the topic being discussed is Global Warming. This is an issue that is overall affecting every inhabitant of the planet Earth. The author reference to the different weather patterns that have been occurring that have been particularly unusual. This demonstrates that this problem is continuing to get worst as more time passes. This particular issue is indeed a concern for me. It should be a concern for everyone. It can be seen that humanity is destroying themselves with the actions they take. The authors purpose in this article is not just to inform people about global warming but acknowledge that people already know. That people already know and yet its taken as a joke while also knowing what is the consequence as a result of not taking action.
ReplyDeletethe audience of this article is those people who wants to be more informed about what everyone can do about the matter and for those who believe that there is something wrong or there is something occurring with the global warming and for those who just might have daughts that global warming does not exist at all! one of the strategies that Friedman used was that he tried to catch the audience attention when he said; "I suspect China is quietly laughing at us right now. And Iran, Russia, Venezuela and the whole OPEC gang are high-fiving each other. Nothing better serves their interests than to see Americans becoming confused about climate change.." when the author THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN wrote the article; "Global Weirding is here" by using this phrase, he want to let the readers/ his audience know that all of these other countries are laughing at us because we are not fully understanding the concepts of the weather! Friedman also writes about how we need to call it Global Weirding instead of Global Warming because the weather changes often. he backs up his point by his diction and choice of words by saying; "I prefer the term “global weirding,” because that is what actually happens as global temperatures rise and the climate changes. The weather gets weird. The hots are expected to get hotter, the wets wetter, the dries drier and the most violent storms more numerous." this means that he prefers to call it globall weirding because the weather people does not know precisely what tomorrow or another day will bring us. i am not interested in this topic because i believe that when well prepared weather reporters study the weather there are probabilities that states that what they said is going to happen and it does by the results of the weather! Friedman's objective is that he wants to convince others the the weather is weird and that the weather people can make mistakes which leads other countries to make fun of America. Overal, THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN actually makes himself clear about addressing the two topics "so what" and """Who cares" because he points out that we all need to have more caution because the weather is changing and that we need to be prepared for new weather changes.
ReplyDeleteAs I sat there and read what the author had written in his article concerning global warming, I can say that the audience is mainly us, and also the people that are not paying attention to what is being happening to our planet. I believe that the author is being skeptic because even if the weather is changing it does not mean that we are in danger of dying, it does not prove that we should be pandemonium just because he writes that tornadoes, and other storms will fall upon us.
ReplyDeleteI simply don't care about his opinion and what we should do, not for now, maybe later when we actually see tornadoes for ourselves but for the time being I don't really focus on that. His purpose is to convince readers into agreeing what he is saying, that way he won't be isolated in his own opinion of our planet being at sake.
The articles talk about how global warming is changing and even how some people are affect it about it. The audience are the people from the community on the people form Washington dc, because of the white stormed we had. The topic of this is global warming is her in DC. Friedman talks about how some people reattached in how the snow was in dc. People were saying that is was the change of Mother Nature. Freidman is trying to portray and give example of place that is suffering from this so that people can begin to look outside of the box and see the facts and statistics on this issue. Yes I think is changing because you can feel when it change and even like when it summers you feel like it nice one day but next day it very ugly. He use a rhetorical devices in were he say “ the senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma are building and igloo next to the capital with a big sing hat says “Al Gorse’s New Home.’ This means that they was making fun at the how it was really windy and snow that that they can make a home out a igloo. People are talking about how it was a weird because it says “The hots are expected to get hotter, the wets wetter, the drier and the most violent storms more numerous. Like it going to be different and how the weather is going to keep changing.
ReplyDeleteThis article talks about global warming, which explains the name of the title “Global Weirding Is here.” It elaborates on the many issues that make up global warming, and the reaction of people about this issue. The audience intended was everyone and anyone that gets affected by climate change or global warming that means everyone on the phase of earth. Friedman states how many people act like this does not affect them in no way at all or just plain careless about. To get his point across he uses many rhetoric strategies and appeals to convey his message and for people to take an action on this topic. For example he uses ethical appeal and logical appeal to demonstrate the reader that this is not a random topic and that there are many serious people carefully analyzing it. For instance, when he mentions “The physicist, Joseph Romm” leading climate writer and he gives a list of Romm best scientific papers over climate change aspects. Also when he say that the U.S should put a group of scientist to give the world a summery of what this climate changes have done and what could they possibly do in the most concrete writing way. He uses names like NASA, America National Laboratories, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford such names give people a sense of experience and professionalism from their part, so they would most definitely know what they are talking about. Another device used is Satire, the way he uses sarcasm and irony to explain a simple reality that everyone is facing but no one seem to pay attention to. This strategy is very convincing because in the many funny remarks he makes, one laugh maybe because it’s funny and also maybe because it’s sadly true and it’s a cruel reality. Yet he manages to convey his view on climate change to the audience by being straightforward with no hesitations or loopholes. Yes I am interested in this topic because it affects me, and all my surroundings. Friedman objective is to make people aware of the situation on radical climate change and everyone should take an action towards this because it affects everyone.
ReplyDeleteThe US has a lot to be worried about. Along with politics, jobs and economy, we have global weriding problems. With there being more and more signs showing about our global climate changing the US does nothing but try to cover things up or find way to make m oney off of it. Reding this articleFriendman makes it hard to ignore the fact that climate change is a huge importance. Mostly using ethical appeal should make people understand how serious things reaaly are, he uses many sources to make a solid argument. Along with me and the rest of the United States everyone shoudl be interested and supicion as to what is going on with the weird world. Even though Friedman makes it seem as if teh US are the are only ones being targeted I belive its everyone, it is GLOBAL warming. I don't think he did his best at expressing "so what", but " who cares" is there, and also in the phrase global warming. With him excluding some counries they may have less worry, but I'm quite sure they care. He could have been mor detailed with why its so crucial and how much damage it can cause to get across his "so what". In conclusion the topic of global weirding should be one of the most dicussed and plan to fix subjects today.
ReplyDeleteThe appropriate audience for the article “Global Weirding” by Thomas L. Freidman is those people who may not be concerned or may not realize the seriousness about global warming. The topic of this article is about global warming and how it will occur even if people try to do something about it or not. Friedman uses a lot of strategies in order to convince his audience about why his topic is important. One example of this would be his use of parallel structure when he says "The hots are expected to get hotter, the wets wetter, the dries drier and the most violent storms more numerous." The use of parallel structure in his article captures the readers attention because he's trying to prove his point that no matter what other people or scientists are trying to do to make this better, things are going to get worse whether we agree or disagree. I personally think that this is an important topic because although many people may not care about it, it is something that needs to be considered because it does not only affect animals, but it also affects us humans. We must think about our families, children and ourselves in the future. I believe that Friedman's purpose or objective is to get people to realize that there really isn't nothing much that we can do to stop global warming and that this is something that will have to occur on this planet. I also believe that in other words, he's trying to say that we can't really do anything to stop global warming and that there is no point to try to stop it because everything is going to come to an end at some point. I think that Friedman could have used more logical and ethical appeal to convince his audience that his topic about global warming is important. Finally, I think he did a pretty good job in addressing the "so what" and "who cares" because it's pretty clear that he is trying to tell readers about global warming (so what) and he also talks about how everyone or everything is being affected by it.
ReplyDeleteThe audience of Thomas Friedman is the climate science community, the oil and coal companies, the Chamber of Commerce, climate experts and conservatives. The topic of this article is global warming and its importance. Some of the strategies Friedman uses to convince his audience are tone, ethical appeal, and diction to emphasize the importance of global warming. I am interested in this topic but I have to admit that I don’t make it a priority. I know that it should be though because we all live in this world and it is our job to take care of it. Although I sometimes doubt that anything will ever happen as terrible as what is depicted on TV and in movies. I think that a writer would need reliable information that personally includes their audience in the form of eye-opening facts and statistics I n order to convince the skeptics about the importance of this issue. Friedman’s purpose for writing this op-ed is to call upon action to the climate science community to better themselves and the way they distribute their information so that therefore more will get involved and help solve the problem. I think that Friedman does a great job in addressing the so what and the who cares because he addresses the concerns and misconceptions and directly targets those who would not necessarily care about global warming. He is very logical, everything he says makes sense even if you don’t care about this issue you will because he addresses that global warming affects everyone and he provides evidence to support that. His humorous tone also helps because he is very relatable.
ReplyDeletein the article "Global Weirding Is Here," Thomas L. Friedman discusses his opinion towards global warming. Global warming has been a topic that many people believe is overrated while others just dont care or put much importance to that matter. Friedman directs his attention to everyone around the world because he believes that the public has grown uneasy. The strategies that he uses to convince the audience about the importance of global warming are tone and logical appeal. i think that global warming is an interesting topic because i think that learning about what's going on with our country is a great importance and be aware of what we need to do and stop doing. i think friedmans purpose or objective about this article was to inform people that we must be aware of everything that's currently happening in our world. in my opnion i think that he does a good job in stating the "so what" and "who cares" because he uses various examples to prove his point.
ReplyDeleteThe intended audience was meant for people who doubt that global warming exist. The topic is self-evident. Just by reading the topic you can tell that the reading will be about Global Warming. But to be more specific the topic is about whether or not global warming will cause a problem. Friedman uses many strategies to convince the audience that his topic is important. One of the first strategies that I noticed is parallel structure. For example "The hots are expected to get hotter, the wets wetter, the dries drier and the most violent storms more numerous." Global Warming is an important matter because it has the strength of ending our lives. Global Warming has been an ongoing issue in the past, and I find it kind of weird that people are starting to notice it now. But I think the author did good in making this issue significant. I learned a few things that I didnt know about Global Warming before. I think that Friedman's objective is to warn people, mainly Americans that Global Warming is not something to be toying with. But rather something we must stop before it gets worse.
ReplyDeleteThe Audience of the article, “Global Weirding Is Here” is to all concerned citizens of our world who do not believe that global warming does not exist. The main point of Global Warming and Friedman is that they want to prove to his readers global warming does exist. For example he states, “The hots are expected to get hotter, the wets wetter, the dries drier and the most violent storms more numerous.” This is an example of parallel structure. He uses this method in order to grab the hold of the readers mind and establish that they think that just by not concerning about global warming is going to go away but on the other side, it’s the opposite, it’ll just get worst. The author also refers to this as global weirding because the climate is constantly changing in a ridiculous way that is unnatural with how the climate usually flows yearly, this is due he says to, “Avoiding the term ‘global warming’” “…while it has rained at the Winter Olympics in Canada, while Australia is having a record 13-year drought — is right in line with what every major study on climate change predicts: The weather will get weird; some areas will get more precipitation than ever; others will become drier than ever.” Freidman is demonstrating that we are suffering from this situation and that people should begin to look outside of the box and see the facts and statistics on this issue. I believe that global warming exists because for example, there have been times that the weather does not come across with the climate. In order for a writer to convince his audience he would state the important facts that support his claim, but most importantly include how his entire conclusion connects to the reader. Freidman’s objective was to give his personal thought on the global warming issue and call out Americans so that they can finally realized that global warming does exists and it is happening right now! If we do not take action everything will end. He answers who cares, when he mentions that this problem affects us all. Sooner or later the weather will just be chaotic that we won’t be able to make a living. I believe that if citizens were more informed not just through words, but through media, such as in the news, radio, and music.
ReplyDeleteThe audience in this article are the people who are concerned about global warming. It wants to tell how people are not really that into global warming and are not helping to do anything. I am attracted to this article because global warming is something really big that people need to improve on. This teaches us how to better ourselves and think about what we are doing. Information that a writer would need to provide to convince a skeptical audience that this topic is important is facts that state what is happening in our community and else where on this earth.
ReplyDeleteIn the article, “Global Weirding Is Here” by Thomas L. Friedman the audience is for people who don’t believe in global warming. The topic of the article is that the earth is changing which global warming is occurring. He is trying to emphasize that there has been a lot of climate changes either its snowing a lot in D.C to raining in Canada. In the article he uses different types of device such as logical appeal throughout the article, parallelism, and uses sarcastic comments. For example he uses humorous/ sarcastic phrase, “Of the festivals of nonsense that periodically overtake American politics, surely the silliest is the argument that because Washington is having a particularly snowy winter it proves that climate change is a hoax and, therefore, we need not bother with all this girly-man stuff like renewable energy, solar panels and carbon taxes. Just drill, baby, drill. Another device he uses is parallelism, “The hots are expected to get hotter, the wets wetter, the dries drier and the most violent storms more numerous.” Finally he used logical appeal, “"in a world that is forecast to grow from 6.7 billion to 9.2 billion people between now and 2050, more and more of whom will live like Americans, demand for renewable energy and clean water is going to soar”. I’m interested in this topic because I am a person that believe in global warming and that it should be taken care of. In the article there are facts but not enough to for the audience to get convinced that it’s a real problem. His purpose is to let in a way that global warming is around the corner and it exists. I believe he did a good job explaining the “who cares” and “so what” because he made his point clear.
ReplyDeleteThe audience for “Global Weirding Is Here” is every American and inhabitants who desires to know more about the struggles in our world as global warming. Basically Thomas L. Friedman talks about how the world climate is changing and some people don’t care and don’t believe that the global temperatures is increasing, so that causes the weather gets weird and its make more violent storms. Friedman use so many strategies as emotional appeal, logical appeal to convince his audience that global warming is real and Americans need to care about it. As he said that “Washington is having a particularly snowy winter it proves that climate change is a hoax” is not usual the snow storm that stopped the Washington as the result that we haven’t see a winter as today. Then he supported his opinion with an expert fact as “The physicist Joseph Romm, a leading climate writer, is posting on his Web site, climateprogress.org, his own listing of the best scientific papers on every aspect of climate change”. So if we don’t reflect about the immense problem of global warming we will pay in the future for it because “in a world that is forecast to grow from 6.7 billion to 9.2 billion people between now and 2050, more and more of whom will live like Americans, demand for renewable energy and clean water is going to soar.” I really care about what’s happen with our world because we can see the different catastrophes that are occurring around our planet as the tsunamis, storms, earthquakes etc. For example in some countries where don’t apparently snows it do as México, then Haiti where many people die for the immense earthquake that destroy everything in that country. However Friedman’s purpose is to persuade American to take action and tries to produce less pollution. Well in my opinion Friedman did a great job addressing the basic questions “so what” and “who cares” because he used details to describe the topic.
ReplyDeleteIn the article by Thomas L. Friedman, “Global Weirding is Here,” the author expresses his opinions on “global warming” and makes an attempt at reaching the general audience that are living, especially Americans who don’t seem to care enough about a topic that can have a drastic effect on their lives. Friedman decides to change the name of “global warming” to “global weirding” because he believes that people become confused about what the emission of carbon does to the atmosphere and the lives of all living objects in the world. The strategies that Friedman uses to convince his audience that the topic of the world’s atmospheric future is important are rhetorical questioning, logical appeal and satire. By the use of such devices Friedman accomplishes in making the readers think about what was to happen to the world if they keep treating it the way they do. Especially for Americans, the use of satire accomplishes Friedman’s goal because at the end of the article he makes America the joke and pity of the situation to Iran and China, respectively. Friedman’s objective is to inform and encourage Americans to learn more about taking care of the planet because if they don’t care of it then global weirding will affect more than their atmosphere but also their lives. He hopes that Americans will become more active environmentalists such as those people in China and join together to combat a problem that affects the lives of everyone. The information that a writer would need to provide in order to convince a skeptical reader about the topic is the harmful affect global warming can have on the lives of not only animals but also humans. The author can then include more facts and statistics such as sea level change, animal popularity and temperature areas in various regions around the world. I personally am very concerned with this issue but if a writer was to give quick points opposed to a heavy text then most Americans would become more open to learning about the topic because it wont require a great amount of reading.
ReplyDeleteafter reading the article OP-ED COLUMNIST
ReplyDelete"Global Weirding Is Here" By Thomas L. Friedman
Published: February 17, 2010. Friedman's audience is everyone, but is more directly to scientist and climatic research institutions. the topic that the author addresses is about global. he changes of the climate. but not a lot of people view this issue as relevant. some think that is just a myth, the article contain logical and also compare and contrast different countries, the way that global arming has changed over the last couple of years. i believe that the authors need to be more seriously about the topic, and also more credible sources with strong images that showed the effect pf global warming. like the pics Ms. Karies posted in the blog. the ice melting and the bear. very nice source. the purpose is to get people attentions and to show them how global warming is extremely important to save the world, well i did a good job because is a topic that e should care bout. but also there are many other issues going on in the world.
This editorial is directed to any human being contributing to global warming, as well as those who are denying the existing of this phenomenon. Author, Thomas L. Friedman also is trying to catch the attention of law makers and scientist who are studding the current climate changes. The topic of this article is what has been done in terms of stopping global warming and what is yet to be done. Friedman use logical appeal and humor’s personification to get his message across. I am defiantly interested in this topic, exceptionally after the sudden blizzard in DC. It is undeniable that the world is changing and that we caused it. In order to persuade a skeptical audience, a writer would need to provide hard core proof and visional evidence. Friedman purpose is to start action toward putting a halt to global “weirding” in the USA. I believe he does answer the “Who Cares?” “So What” questions.
ReplyDelete“Global Weirding Is Here” By Thomas L. Friedman. It base on how the USA is being laugh out because the confuse about it and they don’t know what is really happening or don’t know how to control it. For example the author say, “Avoid the term “global warming.” I prefer the term “global weirding,” because that is what actually happens as global temperatures rise and the climate changes.” This could show you that the author is really trying to get our attention to see what is happening in the world now and show us that we should care because we live in this world and we destroying it. Even though a lot of people wont care of what happening it will affect them just like any other one. This article is really important because it tells us of how the world is looking now and it shows some facts about the changes that has happen in back of the time.
ReplyDeleteWho is the audience? The people that care and read this article.
What is the topic? The topic is base on Globa Warming and how it has change, and how the USA it besically confuse about it.
What stategies does Friedman use to convince the audience that his topic is important? Well he uses emotional appeal in one way because is our world that is in dangerous. And uses facts.
) Are you personally interested in this topic? why or why not? I`m because is the world that I live in that is in dangerous.
What information would a writer need to provide to convince a skeptical audience that this topic is important? To show a lot of detailz and facts and prove that could show them that is really important. And mabey use some rhetorical devices.
What do you think Friedman's purpose, or objective is? To show us of how the world is dying and we not doing anything to help out.
In your opnion, does he do a good job addressing "so what" and "who cares" or would you do it differently? I mean the topic is really important but he still needs more facts and more details to convince more people to be intersted about the topic. Because is a lot of people that wouldn’t care if the Earth is dying.
Thomas Friedman’s audience is very broad. It is specific however to critics of global warming, politicians, economist and investors, and the general public who are either uninformed or are wavering in their current standings on the issue due to the recent winter weather storms, rain, and droughts. The clear topic of the author is global warming. However, Friedman links global warming to economy, history, and science. While global warming can possibly affect all of the subtopics his main and clearest topic lies with the sudden change in weather. Friedman uses logical appeal by providing evidence and viewpoints of leading scientist and politicians. He list and explains their views and attempts to provide a clear and logical explanation of what’s what. Friedman also uses syntax as he carefully uses simply language to make the story as simple as possible. I have taken a person interest in this situation but am not fazed by the article. Friedman’s writings are simple and have provided a brief and simple report of growing suspicions and facts. I am indifferent to Friedman’s writing simply because I have done prior research and have establishes an opinion that is similar to Friedman’s report. Global warming, while serious is a part of earth’s changing atmosphere. We should take care of the earth and find less harmful ways to live. A writer should do as Friedman did; provide quotes and analysis from leading people in field and who matter as well as linking it to subordinate topics. Friedman’s purpose was simply to inform them and persuade them to do further research before dismissing global warming and to really examine the facts before accepting it. Friedman encourages his audience to investigate further. Friedman does an excellent job at addressing so what and who cares.
ReplyDeleteBased from what I read on the article by friedman, I saw that the topic of the article was all about global warming, and is a problem that targets all us as citizens. I saw that the author used tricolons to convince the audience to believe global warming is a problem even though nobody does anything to stop it. I personally feel strongly about this topic and it really puts me in a bad mood when I hear in articles that we are not doing anything to save our own planet. I also think everyone is skeptical at this moment, and writting alot of article is just not going to cut it, so if he kept using pictures like the onces above probably would make people think reflect on that. The author purpose is self said I think is hard to motivate everyone in the world to stop a problem that will involve everyone of us, I think his objective is clear enough but is up to us to react. At the same time I think the author does a great job bringing up this topic as everyone should do not just now but always because this is really happening
ReplyDeletehe audience of article “Global Weirding Is Here” is anyone who is in doubt or is serious that global warming does not exist. Author, Thomas L. Friedman wants to emphasize that “global weirding” is occurring. Climate in many countries are changing like the fact that places are getting hotter, wetter, and colder. “…while it has rained at the Winter Olympics in Canada, while Australia is having a record 13-year drought — is right in line with what every major study on climate change predicts: The weather will get weird; some areas will get more precipitation than ever; others will become drier than ever.” Friedman reveals that global warming is “global weirding” because of the mass change in climate over many nations