Take a look at the protest sign above. We have been discussing several national, international and local current events issues that have been making an impact on the Obama Presidency, such as health care reform, the economy, the war in Afghanistan and education. Based on recent events in the news (Hint: think Video Music Awards), is this sign making an argument? If so, please discuss the rhetorical triangle: what is the topic/subject, who is the intended audience, who do we THINK the speaker is, and what is the tone?
**Bonus points for home creation of counter-argument protest sign...:-)
This is a test.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion i feel as though this is an issue of doubt. Many people have been used to a white president over the years and so far they have not bomed the country up, so they have more faith in a white president. Now that a black president has come into the picture people are doubting whether or not he can do the country good. The argument here is that many have doubts that president Obama will indeed improve various situations in the United States. The intended audience is indeed all US citizen's but mainly Obama, becuase it is directed at him. I think the speaker is a concerned citizen wanting the best for his/her country. The tone of this picture is incompletion. It seems as though the person that did this feels that nothing has been done since Obama has become president. He/She feels that voting Obama as predisent has resulted in an incomplete and waste of time.
ReplyDeleteThe sign posted of Obama having poor health care over Canada is an argument. The subjected at hand is health care in the United States and the argument is meant for the presidential administration and citizens of the United States. The speaker argues that Obama’s healthcare is a disaster. The speaker in this cause in my view would be concerned citizens and republicans. The tones set by the sign are anger and disappointment.
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ReplyDeleteI disagree with Adrian's opinion, yes, the Unites States has always been had a white president, but the color tone/skin of the person doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the achievements of accomplishments of the person. I believe that this picture has been posted in order to inform or make President Obama aware that Canada has better medicals benefits. In result of this, the president may take action. Yet, I do agree with what Adrian says that, “the intended audience is indeed all US Citizens.” In this case the person is concerned about the health care issue and hopes that the president changes this situation.
ReplyDeleteFirst, let me say that the intended audience is people in general. It is a statment made by a normal person who is using sarcasm to get the idea that Canada has a better health care system,across.On-the-ohe-hand, this statement is very well true. With President Barrack Obama saying that he is going to make health care affortable, home come no one in my neighborhood has seen this. We are still suffering as a people with health, but like the poster says "imma let you finish" Barrack. Hopefully in the next year or two, we can see progress.
ReplyDeleteTo add to my previous statement, I totally disagree with you, Rosy. Your skine tone has alot to do with what you can do in America. Being someone of color can stop you from doing and saying alot of things that someone of european descent can do and say.
ReplyDeleteI think that Obama is doing so good so far because he is actually working to give the people of America health care. In the past Presidents haven't tried to even help people that need the help to get health care the way Obama has been helping. I think that if people give Obama a chance they will se that all he is trying to do is help the people of Amercia. People need to notice the problems that are going on right now with the economy becuase that's what's making it even harder for Obama as the President at this time. Obama so far has done a lot and I think that if we just give him time everything will work out just fine and he help start to do everything he once said he would do...
ReplyDeleteI belive that Obama is doing so good he is actually working to give the people of America health care.The sign is makin an agruement because health care is major issue out there and Obama is trying to work on fixing that many americains cant afford health care and he want to make it universal so family wont have to worry about the helath knowing that thier covered
ReplyDeleteYes, this sign is making an argument. The topic of this argument is Health Reform and how they pretty much want to mimmick Kanye West for what he had done at the VMAs. It gives off the idea that still Obama hasnt done anything to help out people with their health unlike Canda who does have good health. I personaly think that the speaker are those U.S. citizen who want better health care. The tone would be kind of angry because they want to get their point out about the health care to their audience who is President Obama.
ReplyDeleteI believe that Obama is trying to change a society that has evolved into a country that is more dependent on themselves. People nowadays don't want to have others telling them what to and how they should do it. The sign directed at Obama is just trying to unify this country as it was wen it was first established. He wants to provide assistance to those families that are stuggling financially. Health care is always a delicate issue and alot of mfactors must be taking onto consideration before a plan is delivered. Overall if Obama wants to change the countries helath policy hes going to have patience and determination to accomplish that goal.
ReplyDeleteyes, this pictures has a big arguement becasue is taking a stand against obama's health care reform. since this proposal obama has been put on the spotlight not only from canadians but the whole nation. The man who wrote this is just simply expressing himself and his point of view for obamas proposal and claims he has the best health care when millions of americans dont. Although he said this he has an inspiration for obama by telling him "Thanks obama and Imma let you finish"
ReplyDeleteYes!the poster is defenitely an argument for the president Obama's new Health Care Reform.When he was running for president he promised a new Health Care Reform which would benefit many people but so far we still have the same Health Care which is really not the best health care of all times.So the poster is arguing that Canada has a better Health Care while president Obama has promised a better Helath Care and yet has not shown any progress on the issue. This poster also expresses anger and disappointment from the speaker towards President Obama who is the intended audience.
ReplyDeleteI think that this poster has an argument because This health care thing is a very big issue because i know poeple that there health care dosen't cover the medicined that they realy need. this poster can also mean that the president isen't doing his job I'm startin g to have some doubt on him.
ReplyDeleteThe poster is an argument because it is stating that Canada will alway have a better universal health than the United State. The agurgument is directed to Obama and his followers. I think the speaker is some weird canadan guy that watches MTV awards all the time or someone who is not against the health care plan but doesn't think it is going to be helpful.The tone is playful because he/she is making a joke about a serious issue.
ReplyDeleteThere is an argument on the above picture, the topic is health care reform and it is intended to everyone in this country. In my opinion i think the speaker is all Canadians who believed that the health care reform is just not going to work because most people are against it but Canidians have the best(better than others) health care plans. I think that the tone is angry because they dont want their health care plan to stop being as it is.
ReplyDeleteYou guys the tone IS NOT ANGRY!! the author is makinga joke aut of obama and his plan. He is being fun and facetious.
ReplyDeleteThat poster is an argument as the result that in reality Canada citizens get enhanced health care and now Obama want create a “universal health care” but it doesn’t include all residents of United States as people who are illegal so its fear, I don’t think so. This poster gives a message to the president to improve his health care reform. It issue is a serious problem that need resolve this government now.
ReplyDeleteI think that Obama is doing the best that he can to get a good reform for health care for everybody.I desagree with the sign, and the person who wrote it, because Obama is trying to do the best for everyone in the country, he is trying to give everybody health care disregarding their race, sex and legal status. The topic is that Obama has the worse health plan compare to Canada. the subject try to persuade people that Obama is not doing a good job in the health care reform. The intented audience are all people who live in the US. I think that the speaker is a citizen of the US, and his tone is sarcastic and arrogant.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Adrian that there is an issue of doubt in the citizens of the United States however having a colored president shouldn't affect the way people think because regardless, they should always have a type of patriotism to the United States. The sign is a symbol that the person although loves or accepts America, but they think that Canada’s healthcare is better than the US. The argument is that even though Obama is doing what he can to change healthcare in the United States, Canada’s healthcare is better.
ReplyDeletei believe that the audience is peole in general.The arguement could be that, the person who wrote this is just trying to get people to notice and understand that canada has a poor health care. Also that Obama is trying to help out with health care but for them it seems like nothing has really changed since Obama was president.So basically their point is to try to get people to see that we want change but were still not getrting it.
ReplyDeleteThe topic is basically comparing the newly-proposed health care system to Canada. Also, since Obama is always trying to compare the U.S. with other countries and trying to get us up to speedwit other countries and cities(Ex: trying to make school all year around to catch up with Asian countries), they are doing the same thing to him by trying to convince Obama and the other administrative branches to duplicate Canada's free health care system. Also, the writer i think is someone who lost a person they knew because of the poor American health care system. Also, in my personal opinion, Obama should copy the health care system of Canada. He's always trying to copy and compare us to other countries in things that aren't as relevant as health, so why won't he copy that? I think he's concerned more with the REPUTATION of the U.S. rather than the ACTUAL PEOPLE.
ReplyDeletewell, in my opinion i agred that Obama is working really hard to to apply a Health care reform in the U.S. But if we look back and think about the mess that the last president did that make it harder for Obama to fix the economy issue. alot money was spent in the war in Afghanistan. insted of using it in the Helth care reform. so that's wy Canada had a better health care system.
ReplyDeleteI agree with this protest sign because i believe that, yes canada does have a better health care system than the US. BUt i also believe that Obama is trying to do something about our health care but he can try much harder. The topic that this prostest sign is discussing is health care. the audience to towards the president Obama and the government. I think that the speaker is an angry person who is probably angry with what Obama is doing with the US healthcare reform. which brings me to a closing that the tone is aner, and disapointment.
ReplyDeleteI believe that the audience are the people who follow Obama. And the fact that he still hasn't change the health care plan. There are still a whole lot of people still have no health care. The ton could be a fuuny one. He/she is making fun of the VMA.But it is a serious matter. He/ she feels like Canda has a better health care plan. The speeker could be someone who wants to see change in America.
ReplyDeleteTo begin with I'll say that the intended audience is our president Barack Obama. The post I can say it's demeaning and has no purpose. This sign makes an argument but on what??? If the author of this post was aiming to hurt our president then this person must've been smoking. In order for our country to stay stable there is a need of health care. This post pretty much represents what kanye west did in the MTV awards when he acted ingorant and self concious. Apperently the topic of this poster is health care issue and how our President lacks of effort affects the community. His post has no subject in a very arrogant way the author says that the health care plan in canada seems to be better than the one in the us. What the author is saying is that by having a black president our chances as a community collapses, how our dreams seem to fade away. This is an act of arrogance America system was always based on white ruling but now that a Black person comes to power everything goes to waste. This author is deamening and has no decency at all he mocks the president for his health care reform plans and tends to tell the reader what thoughts they should have in mind.
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ReplyDeleteThe protest sign is in fact an agrument that Canada has the best healthcare system in the world. The sign had been posted up so that Obama can take action to fix this issue in the US. Since the poster is directed to Obama, he is clearer the intended audience. The speaker is a concerned citizen of the US. The tone is argumentative because the speaker is trying to bring an issue to the table.
ReplyDeleteI think that this visual argument is stating that no matter what Obama attempts to do or does do it will never be as good as Canada and their healthcare. I believe that the purpose of this is to point out how bad our country is going.
ReplyDeleteMany people disagre with Obama's decisions and here we have an evidence of what people's thoughts are toward our president, Barack Obama. The topic the speaker is trying to discuss is Health Care, which is a hot topic right now. The audience are citizen, people who don't have insurance and people who have predilection for Barack Obama.The speaker might be an uninsurance person who might have lived in Canada, because is talking about Canada's health care. This person must be an expert or knows about Canada's health care. The tone this speaker uses is revelator because this person doesn't agree with what is happening now in our nation about Health care.
ReplyDeleteThe poster about Obama On health care is an argument because most people don't thing that he cares about health care.
ReplyDeleteI think that this poster about Obama's healthcare plan is making an argument.There argument is that the health reform is in bad shape and that we should learn from Canada.The ironic sign reffering to what Kanye West did is a really good way to put it.This person is obviously tring to get Obama's attention because of the recent health care reform debate in congress.The speaker is problably someone who is personally affected with the issue of healthcare.The tone of this sign is very demanding and concerned because they are obviously trying to see a change.
ReplyDeleteI think the people protest this is dissatisfied with Obama's healthcare policy, or scoff at him, the canadian look down at obama, probably is racial issue, and i disagreed with this protest, he's no president, people protest this didnt even know how big the pressure is to be a president. Even thought after obama become president, he didnt do much to increase the economic, it because there's no second Roosevlet.I think he had try he's best to recover the nation.
ReplyDeleteIn my view am sure this makes an argument because if one of individuals student that put that sign it adage that Canada has a superior health care. It making the argument because that individual is interrupt the president or it presently irritating to make his/her point that Canada has a better method health care than U.S and it trying to make the president feel bad about it that Canada has a better health care even though that U.S it richer. Like Adrian Arias say, “Now that a black president has come into the picture people are doubting whether or not he can do the country good.” Well that’s true to because when we had the precedent president we never have this category of argument and discussion about any other country industry or ect. For example when Bush started war nobody say anything about it until now and the person that it trying his best is getting blamed for something he didn’t even do.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion the picture is making an argument about health care. The argument makes a point about Canada having a well regulated Health Care system.The audience are citizen, people who don't have insurance and people who have predilection for Barack Obama.The people protest this is dissatisfied with Obama's health care regulation and needs guidence from Canada.
ReplyDeletethis picture shows an argument about health care. the arguemnt is that other state health care is better but in here in the United State is bad because there many people said that they cant afford it and for this reason many people walk out and protest about it. many people dont understand that obama is doing the best thing he can to provide health care for everybody.
ReplyDeleteIf this isn't a argument trying to be made then I don't know what is. The first thing I notice is that he does say he will let Obama finish. Stating that maybe he doesn't think Obama is doing a bad job just that he needs to make changes and make them quick.One thing to realize is that Obama is new to this ,and including health reform, so much was thrown on himgoing into presidency. The US works nothing like Canada, the opinoin that they have a better healthcare maybe true. Everyone is intitled to their own opinion and that is one of the thing this poster states. Targeting all of the US he did a good job get peoles attention by realating current events. To me this poster means no harm just a simple opinion and stressing a point that needs to be made.
ReplyDeletethis sing is making an argument because health care is one of the big issue that affecting the people of the united state today. the purpose of the sing is to inspired president Obama to stay in task and focused and have a goal to finish what he start because that what the people want see. this sing will addressed everyone means politician, congress people, mayor, and the rich people because they are the one who have the most control over the country so this sing will mentioned to them how important the health care for the people of the united state. also in my opinion this sing is came from the poor people because they are the one who cant afford for health insurance so this people want have the same health care as canada does.
ReplyDeleteThe most obvious argument is that the creator disagrees with Obama's views on healthcare. This is certain for two reasonings. A. The creator makes an illusion to Kayne West's rude and disrespectful behavior at the VMA's when Taylor Swfit won best video of the year, and Kayne West interrupts. His quote, "and I'm going to let you finish" is an undertone basically meaning that he totally disagreed and that you are not worthy. The creator uses the quote in the same aspect and then references the Canadian Healtcare Sysmtem. This brigns me to point B. Most people are aware that Canadians have free healtchare which inlciude dental and various other plans and options. THis reference serves to imply that the US' healthcare reform is not up to par with Canada's. In my personal opinion I believe this to be an ignorant argument primarily because the healthcare reform hasn't been completed, there are better nations to reference who have free healthcare, and if you like canada so much go and move there!
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ReplyDeleteThe poster sign above shows the argument on President Obama Health Care reform because the speaker of this poster is a concerned citizens who think that Obama is not doing well getting people free health care. Because time has past and they don't see any change, that's why they feel disappointed about him. The audiences are all people who read this poster and also president Obama.
ReplyDeleteWhen Obama took the precidency were already there. I think that he is doing a good instead that have not much timi in the precidency, so the argument of this post is to persued people that he is trying to immite others countries system. The economy crisis, the war in Afganistan, Education, this problens were faced by Obama once he took the precidency. The audience of this post is any person that can read it.
ReplyDeleteI think our president Obama trying to make a good decision, start a news changes that should be to improve the economic crisis,many people think that with this new reform of health care he took a impacted decision, but and all way he know which is of best path to improve this country.
ReplyDeleteIs this an argument? Why yes it is one, this is because it has some of the main components of one. A subject, a point, and it takes a side in that subject. The point of the argument being that although we have healthcare issues here Canada is doing fine.
ReplyDeleteWe may think the "speaker" is rapper Kanye West, based on his statement to Taylor Swift during the awards ceremony.
ReplyDeleteThe tone could be arrogance, which was clear in Kanye's outburst.
The topic/subject is nationwide health-care which Canada already has.
yes...in deed this is an argument because this person has perfectly stated that Canada has the best Health Care Of All Time! This could be true, but it could also just be his/her own opinion. Basically what this person is trying to say is that even if our new president tryies to work things out for this country, the #1 country with the Best Health care is Canada! You know, in my own opinion, these people need to see that Obama is really trying to make huge changes that will benefit everyone in the U.S.A! The person who has posted the sign is showing that he is supporting Barack Obama but he is also letting eveyone know that despite of all effort, Canada has the Best Health Care of Time. This person really focuses on this major topic about Health Care! I mean, who would not? Anyway, We need to support our new President, even if he is Black! Who said that being colored could not take you far? Who said that only whites could make things work out better? Eighter way, we should all support who ever is in charge!..:)
ReplyDeleteFrom my opnion, who ever posted that poster up there is protesting about Obama's "HealthCare plan." It is also seen that the person is trying to address Obama and his supporters, in which he or she is trying to porve them that Canada have the best health plan of all. Most likely, the speaker is a US citizine who is challenging the US president. One can also say that the speaker is being sarcastic, becuase they said "thanks" and then again they wanted him to do even better, which is why they addressed Canada as a country with the best healthcare plan.
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ReplyDeleteThis article tells about the history of Barrack Obama. People thinks that the president is very serious because he knows a lot of different comments
ReplyDeleteIn this article it's talk about how our presient Obama is trying to make good quality decisions as to start a new changes as to improve the economic problem that we have in this world. people think that with this new reform of healthcare he took a impacted decision. Obama is being very serious about it.
ReplyDeleteThis visual Argument is more of a joke to make fun that we voted Obama to represent us and make better opportunities like health care but haven’t done anything. As he says, “THANKS OBAMA, AND IMA LET YOU FINISH” giving like okay I voted for you I cant do anything more but he not going vote for him again. This visual is intended for everyone in the United States, but more to get the attention of Obama. I believe the argument is that Obama has one of the worst health care plans. The topic/subject is that Canada has a better health care than the United States. In my opinion the speakers are concerned citizens that have had previous problems with health care. The tone is mad but at the same time sarcastic, and disappointing. While people are dying due to health care not good it is affecting everyone and Obama should of never said he was going to help because so far nothing have been seen in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteThe sign above is making an argument about the United States and the way that President Obama is handling the health care reform. Lately, many people are starting to lose hope in President Obama and his promises he made to the country during elections. The sign is an attempt to call the attention of government officials because there hasn’t been significant actions taken that have left the American people satisfied with the healthcare reform. The intended audience is American citizens who are keeping up with current events in the country such as the health care reform and the economy. I believe that the speaker is just another concerned American citizen worried if the US is really taking a step in the progression of the country. The speaker has a concerned tone even though he/she is being humorous by referring to Kanye West.
ReplyDeleteThis sign making an argument.
ReplyDeleteThe topic of this poster is Health Care reform.
The intended audience is President Obama and other concerned people.
The speaker is some one who wants better health care.
The tone is disappoint, because the speaker didn't see any progress on what the president Obama promised.
But I think we should give Obama more time, the change can't be made in one day, therefore, we must be patient and give Obama a chance.
The intended audience is all the peolpe in general my perspective of this article is that its making an arguement about the health care situation and that Canada has a better health care than the United States.We should let Obama finish what he started becaus ithink that he can make the problem better also in the poster they kind of addmired his work for eample -thanks Obama imma let you finish-.
ReplyDeleteThe creator of this banner seems to be a supporter of Obama. This person seems like they want to reach out to Obama and let him know about what they think he's doing so far in his presidency. As this person doesn't really jump to conclusion to criticize Obama because his term is not over but states that Canada has a better health care system. I can perceive that this person wants Obama to create a similar health care system as the one Canada already has.
ReplyDeleteI personally believe that the protest sign was in someway meant to make fun of Obama. The intended audience is people in general. The topic is basically health care reform in America. The speaker is someone who has second thoughts of what president Obama has done thus far. The tone is difficult to come up with but i guess the tone would be concerned. The reason for that being is because it seems to me the person or group who wrote this protest have second thoughts of electing Obama as president. Hopefully he proves them wrong.
ReplyDeleteI think that this sign is making an argument about Obama's Health Reform. The intended audience is more importantly the president but also people who see it in general.The speaker is a person who thinks that we should have the same health care as canada or something similar to it. The tone is angry and agitated.
ReplyDeleteI agree with what fransico said, because been the first Arican Amreican president in the U.S is a big challenge and not to mention that everyone is counting on him and watching everything he does. Yes we may not have the best the health care, but our president is working really hard on it. This is not something that you can go an give health care to every family. Canada may have the best health care, but their don't have an economic problem. so that is the different that people don't see, we are in a war right now, Canada is not.